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Подготовка презентации моего конланга на английском языке - need help!

Автор Rusiok, декабря 31, 2023, 20:39

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Please do not dismiss the Fi conlang because of its tones and degrees of vowel length. In fact, tones are the very intonations with which you pronounce phrases in your languages. And vowel lengths are nothing more than dynamic stress, familiar to many languages.

Convenient spelling will help you emphasize the necessary syllables and correctly intonate phrases - and you will be pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of Fi.

My goal and ambition when constructing Fi is to propose several ideas to the conlanger community.
"проект предлагал сократить разговорную речь путем сведения многосложных слов к односложным и упразднения глаголов" - Джонатан Свифт. Путешествие в Бальнибарби


When presenting my conlang (https://conlang.fandom.com/wiki/Fi), I need to follow a plan. I have to describe the conlang with the correct linguistic terms and notations.

That is, the help I need is threefold: to correct my presentation from the linguistic point of view, to correct the sequence of adherence to the plan and, of course, to correct my English so that it is understandable.

with high roots-per-word ratio
A, O and an intransitive predicate are separate words. A transitive predicate is formed as a proclitic of O
Head directionFinal
Tonal3 syntactic tones
DeclensionsNo. There are no mandatory declension paradigms. Roots of grammatical categories can be added to the actant, but this is not necessary
ConjugationsNo. Roots of grammatical categories can be added to the predicate, but there are no obligatory conjugation paradigms

epigraph/ motto
The first project was to shorten discourse by cutting polysyllables into one, and leaving out verbs and participles, because in reality all things imaginable are but nouns.
Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver, 1st a Surgeon and then a Captain of Several Ships

The complete achievement of each criterion of an ideal language (philosophical, logical, simple, concise and universal) contradicts the others.

Fi is a language model under construction. It must be consistently described for my understanding of how languages work. Currently the model only works on simple sentences and is evolving towards sentences of medium complexity. Fi is created on //lingvoforum.net and includes ideas from its members.

Phonemes and prosodic differences are the shortest elements of language that can be distinguished. The sounds of  Fi are pronounced as in the International Phonetic Alphabet. Phonology doesn't interest me. I would prefer that the roots remain unchanged where they join. To my regret, on two occasions I will be forced to describe these oral and written changes.

Place →
Manner ↓
Plosivep bt dk g


Syllables are the shortest elements that can be pronounced. In the Fi conlang, there are no prosodic distinctions at the level of syllables.
Syllables have the structure (C)V(S),
where (C) is an optional initial cluster;
V – vowels /i/, /e/, /a/, /o/, /u/;
(S) - allowed codas: /i̯/, /l/, /n/, /r/, /s/, /u̯/.
Roots from one vowel are: i, e, a, o, u.

The similarity of consonants /j/, /w/ and non-syllabic vowels /i̯/, /u̯/ requires an additional rule:
- non-syllabic /j/, /w/ before vowel are written j, w. For example,  je, jes, jo, ju, tja, tje, wen, wi, wo, wu;
- non-syllabic /i̯/, /u̯/ after vowel are written i, u. For example, eu, pau, hau, hoi, bau, ei, dau
There cannot be two sonants in a coda, but there can be two syllablesbaun /ˌbaˑ.un./, beun /ˌbeˑ.un/, daun /ˌdaˑ.un/, fail /ˌfaˑ.il/, gois /ˌgoˑ.is/, lais /ˌlaˑ.is/, tain /ˌtaˑ.in/, laus /ˌlaˑ.us/, poin /ˌpoˑ.in/,  etc

Roots and stress
A root is a minimally significant segment of speech. In Fi, the root consists of whole syllables and one stress. Stress is not an absolute characteristic of a syllable, but relative to neighboring syllables.
In Fi, the root is the only type of morphemeFor example, here are roots from one syllable: mi, es, ta, go, la, ne, tu, en, ho, nos, pos, ha, di, ku, al, no, sa, ba, er, po, ri, me, nal, ra, hi, nu, on, ir, du, ol, da, is, in, mu, fa, jar, tri, ka, pen, as, si, etc.
One of the root syllables has a secondary dynamic stress: /ˌ(C)Vˑ(S)/.

The remaining syllables are unstressed: /(C)V(S)/
In free-standing roots, the stress on the first syllable is not indicated. For example, kuho, minus, deka, kuli, esfa, basu, etc.

The apostrophe (') is written before the non first secondary stressed syllable. For example, еn'ku, еn'ta, еn'hi, ti'ku, ha'mi, ha'tu, ti'es, ti'ne, su'karta, ne'mi, no'on, no'du, etc.
The vocabulary is mixed: a priori and a posteriori. First, the basic frequency roots were invented by averaging the roots of several languages, almost all monosyllabic. Secondly, many roots are freely borrowed and adapted to phonology. Thirdly, roots are formed by simplifying frequency words.

Words and intonation
A word consists of one or more roots. The word is an actual member of the sentence: topic or comment.
The word is marked by a pause before it and the intensification of one of its stressed syllables /ˌ(C)Vˑ(S)/ to primary stress /ˈ(C)Vː(S)/. The part of a word beginning with a stressed root is called an actant. The part of the word before the stressed root is a predicate.

The topic word is pronounced without intonation,
The roots of the word are written separately. The syllable with primary stress is written with a capital letter.

For example: noFi, Internati foneti alfabes, Aktual par o'senten, studiEnglis (no and  studi are predocates)
the comment word - with intonation.  Primary stress and intonation are markers of predicativity.
Rising intonation /˨˦/ differs interrogative comment;
After the word with rising intonation, a question mark (?) is written. For example:
Eu? (Is it) OK?
Salu? (Are you) healthy?
Descending intonation /˥˦/ differs affirmative one;After the falling intonation there is a dot (.). For example:
Eu. Thanks (liteally: Fine!).
Salu. (Yes, I'm) healthy
Flat high tone /꜓/ differs incentive oneAfter flat high intonation there is an exclamation mark (!). For example:
Eu! Please! (literally: Be kind)
Salu! Hello! (literally: Be healthy)

Parts of the sentence
The root acts as different parts of a sentence depending on its place in the word.
Attribute is non-final root of actantTranslation:
Atribus neFin radi o'aktan (neFin and o'aktan are attributes)
Head of actant is its final root(s)Translation:
Aktan kapu Si fin radi(i)  (kapu and fin radi(i) are heads of actants)
Adverbial modifier is non-final root of predicateFor example:
goenTerraa Lingu on; E dialeis on. (go is adverbial modifier)
The whole earth had one language and one dialect.
Head of predicate is its final root(s)For example:
diOstu hoi lawi enSennaaria plas; e laguTa  (en and gu are heads of predicate). Moving from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there.

Two roots can form a word or a simple sentence.
Attributive combination of roots: first a stressed attribute, then without a pause a head of actantThe root /o/ in the role of a preposition changes the attribute and the head in placesSimple sentence: Topic word (and without an auxiliary verb) Comment wordA subordinate sentence is an attributive combination of roots in the same order as in a simple sentence
Arti lingu /ˌar.ti.lin.gu/ an artificial languageLingu o'arti /ˌliˑn.gu.oˌaˑr.ti/ the language that is artificialLingu Arti. /'liːn.gu 'aːr.ti˥˦/ The language is artificial.Lingu arti /ˌlin.gu̯aˑr.ti/ artificiality of language = that the language is artificial

Roots of Fi, with synonyms In the role of attribute, In the role of actant head (subject, object, nominal predicate), In the role of adverbial modifier, In the role of transitive predicate head
fa quantitative, measure/quantity, , amount/ quantity so many pieces
ne absent, zero, never, without/ not smth
on whole, one, once/ only,one to one / equal to smth
pau simple, few, few times, a little include smth
du double, two, twice, two, include smth
i composite, mathematical set, several times/ iteratively, ⊇/ consist of/ made up of units of measurement - pieces
mu numerous/ complex, many, many times, a lot, include smth
a every, all, always, all, include smth
"проект предлагал сократить разговорную речь путем сведения многосложных слов к односложным и упразднения глаголов" - Джонатан Свифт. Путешествие в Бальнибарби


a ∀/ any/ every, all, in any case, all including. A lingu every language, Lingu a all languages. ao everything. aho everyone/ everybody. A basuEs Everyone uses some kind of language. a es influences in any case.  hoaMi everyone including me

ai̯ worse, ne'eu̯ more bad

al but/ however/ different, different one, differently, or/ different from/ more different/ not the same as. Hi /'wi/ Aktan. Al /ˌwi/ neAktan. Si Predikas. Here /'wi/ is an actant, but /ˌwi/ is not an actant, it's a predicate. Hi alTa. This or that

ala all others

alfabes alphabet/ ABC. ordo'alfabes in alphabet order. Internati foneti alfabes international phonetic alphabet

ali others, option/ choice/ alternative, differently, selected from

alu white/ light, lighter

an more narrow/ tighter

angu snake

anti front/ frontal, forehead/ hood/ cockpit, preliminary, in front of smth/ before smth

alun choose

ar hand, manage smth

aranea reti spider's web

as, proses current, now  (about the ongoing process)/ happening, / at the same time, in the process/ at the time how/ when/ simultaneously with: Ku?, Proses What's going on? In aseiUrbu She's going to the city. In goas eiUrbu. She was walking into the city

au sound, hearing, by ear, listen/ hear smth

au̯su ear

auto car

ba colloquial, speaker/ lecturer, orally, talk/ tell/ say about

ba'salu greet smb

basu, lingu linguistic, tongue (organ, speech), speak with/ with the help

bau informational, informant/ source, informative, notify/ inform smb

baun іs said

be need / have a need for smth: Mi beJo I need to know

bel beauty/ handsome, beautiful one, beautifully, more beautiful than smth/ smb

ber bring smth

beru bring to smb

beun < be un necessary, even/ including smth

bo sick, a sick person/ disease, have a sick part of body. kaHor hes hu riBo Sleeping less than six hours is dangerous

bu becoming / flock / becoming smth/ smb/ turn (am) into, soon/ immediately, right away (just about, soon), sooner

da exchange, sponsor/ philanthropist/ donor, mutually, give smth

dau give to smb

daun given

de day: de seu seven days. no'seu de seventh day. lunde Monday
marde Tuesday
merkurde Wednesday
joude Thursday
wenude Friday
saturde Saturday
solde Sunday

deka ten

dekis right, right side, on the right, to the right of smth. u'dekis to the right

deteis, lawi find/discover, discovery, discover smth

deu, djabu devilish, devil/ crafty, devilish, seduce smb

di outgoing/ derivative, (postal) item, departing, from. di leter outgoing letter. di'hi from here

drin jeans

do house, building

du double, full two/ pair, twice, two includes.  du kafe double coffee. kafe du two coffees. Hi duEr. This pair includes a man

dur during/ while/ lived, duration, long, last/continue
"проект предлагал сократить разговорную речь путем сведения многосложных слов к односложным и упразднения глаголов" - Джонатан Свифт. Путешествие в Бальнибарби


e, plus and/ additional, addition, also/ in addition/ (once) again, plus/ with smth. E ri besides. du plusOn walTri two plus one equals three. tueMi you and me

ei go to smth; i ei use to go smth

eis external/ outside, exterior, outwardly, outside of smth

eistremu extremal/ extreme, extremum/ limit/ extremist, extreme, be the limit of smth

eskur take an excursion

el from/ of/ off/ out of smth

en internal, place, inside, in/ on/ at smth. enHi Mi here am I. en'es somewhere. еn'hi here. еn'ku where. еn'ta there

enun inner, what's inside of smth. enunMi What I'm inside of

er masculine/ male, he / a man, like a man, the husband of smb / married to smb: Jwan Eu er Ivan is a good man. Hi Er it's a man/ it's him. Jwan Er lara. Ivan acted like a man. Jwan erMari Ivan is Maria's husband

erju boy

es ∃/ some/ real, existing/ something/ somebody/ <indefinite personal pronoun>, clearly/ really/ very, influence smth/ appear to smb. Es projeis a project, Projeis es implementation of the project. tuTa lainEs They say she married smb. Mi Es wo I really want. esKu? So what? (What does it affect?)

esfa several, how much/ some quantity

eu, o'kei good/ feel good, good one, well, better than smth/ worthy/ meet the requirements. Eu? Fine? Eu. Okay/ thank you. Eu! Be kind/ please. Tu fenuEu. You look good. euEr is better than him. eu̯'ala better than all others.Al tu euUn But you are better. pol eu is the best, Hi euMi this suits me. eu'luun worthy of being loved. eu'lausun worthy of gratitude

europa European, Europe, European-style

ewentual obvious

fa amount, preposition denoting measure or quantity

fail file

fais real, true/ fact, actually, after all/ same

fal quality

famil family, family of smb/ including smb

famu, joun famous/ important

far four

facil easy, not difficult than  smth

fei waiting, wait, waiting, waiting for smth/ smb

feliku, gai happy/ joyful, happiness/ lucky/ kind, happily, enjoy smth

fi similar/ corresponding, function/ operator/ morphism, instead of/ accordingly, like/ similar to

fil friendly, friend, friendly, be friends with smb / be a friend to smb

fo strong, strongman, strong, stronger than smth

forges forgetful, forgеt, forgetting, forget smth

friun owo fried eggs

gaun throw/ let fly, throwing, throw smth

gekto centenary, one hundred, hundred, hundred of smth

gen parent. geni parents.

general general, more general than  smth

ger hold

german German, German, in German, to be a German for smb: germania Germany

ges get/ receive smth

gi big, giant, a lot, bigger/ more in mass than  smth. Gi i group of giants > Gii giants. Gi ser i big group of stars ~ Mu ser i massive group of stars. Gisero i group of giant stars.

gjala bigger than others

go past/ earlier, past/ former, was, just as/ more ancient than/ before than smth: gogu lived. goenTerraa Lingu on, Dialeis on The whole earth had one language and one dialect. Ta Go That's gone. goba said. gois ate. gowi looked/ watched/ saw. Hi goDe du It was two days ago. In go 'hor koHi. She was here an hour ago. go'as last, the last one. go'as o minutu al last minute decision

gu animate/ alive, who/ animal, alive/ by birth/ vital, live/ dwell in smth/ inhabit smth

ha personal/ private, property, in fact, belonging to smb: Hi Ha this is personal. [/b]Hi a haIn.[/b] It all belongs to her. haKu?, Hi whose is this? haTu libru ashaMi I have your book. ha'mi my. ha'tu your

haha haha

hau, haun rich / possessive, owner / possessor, in a master's manner, have/ own smth. Mi hauAuto I have a car

hes six

hi indicated/ this, this one, here/ in this case, marked with smb: Hi Mi this is me. Mi Hi I'm here. Mi en Hi I'm in this place. hiTu o what you pointed to

hide today

hifa so much

ho that/ human, he/ she/ person/ person of a certain profession/ follower of teaching, humanely, spare smb/ as (and more) humane as smb. Ho sun son of man. aho everyone. hoa that's it. Ho! hoMi! Have mercy! Spare me!

hoi, publi them (inalienable), they/ people, according to them, they include smth

hor lasting an hour, an hour, for an hour/ per hour, how much on the clock: hor'tri at three o'clock

hu sleeping, a sleeper (not a *dream), asleep, see smb/ smth in a dream. kaHor hes hu riBo Sleeping less than six hours is dangerous. Mi wo'hu kusHi ai feli goti'noja ul, E mi gone'poEu hu. I am sleepy because those damn cats were fighting all night and I couldn't sleep well!

"проект предлагал сократить разговорную речь путем сведения многосложных слов к односложным и упразднения глаголов" - Джонатан Свифт. Путешествие в Бальнибарби


i composite/ complex, mathematical set/ <plural>, <iterative>/ use to/ several times, ⊇/ has more or the same elements as/ composed of. I mahin a complicated machine. Mahini machines. I radi complex root, Radii roots. i go happened more than once. la iPar assembled from parts

ia country. italia Italy. germania Germany.

in feminine, she/ woman, in a feminine way, smb's wife/ married with. inMi my wife

intel understand

inter between, among

interes interested in smth, interesun interesting for smb

ir upper/ high, height, up/ on top, above smth

is nourished, eater, sated, eat. Lupu isOwi the wolf kills a ship

issu, densu tooth/ teeth

isun nutritious/ edible, food/ foodstuffs/ grocery, eating, food for smb

iun < i un component, ⊆/ one of/ belong to the group/ set.  iunUkraina from Ukraine/ citizen of Ukraine. iunLeksikon radi root from the dictionary

jar year. In Jar deka She is ten years old

je ice

jes yesterday

jo know, connoisseur/ expert, knowing, know smth/ smb/ be familiar with

ju young, child/ kid, childish, as young as/ younger than. jui children/ kids

jugoslau Yugoslavian, Yugoslav. jugoslawia Yugoslavia

jusSamenhou bar I swear by Zamenhof's beard!

ka small, lightweight/ dwarf, small (in mass, amount of substance), less than

kampu field

kar, minus negative / minus, opponent / enemy, in debt / in minus, the opposite of: euLas minusEu the best is the enemy of the good

karotu carrot/ encouragement/ treat, give/ hang/ promise a carrot/ motivate

karu gentle/ caress, sissy, gently/ affectionately, pet/ caress smb. seskoFenester ho golegiLibru; 'e karuKas. A man sitting by the window was reading a book and petting a cat.

kasju kitten

kau catch smth

ke start/ begin with smth

kees appearing, appear, appearing, appear to smb

kel fast/ quick, fast one/ smth fast, quickly, faster

kilo thousand

kir, kepu chief, head/ chief/ boss, mainly, dominate over/ be boss of smb

ko neighboring, neighbor, close/ almost, near/ be near smth

koi write/ type. kojun, teis text

komisi commission

komites committee

kongres congress

konkres, ta specific/ special, single object with clearly defined characteristics/ individual/ instance/ representative/ specificity/ concreteness, specifically/ in particular, specified by smb/ according to some characteristics

konsul consulting, consultant/ advisor, as advice, advise/ consult

kras tomorrow/ the next day

ku what?/ unknown, who/ what?, how?, how to relate to?/ what to do with? kugu what (living); kuho who (sapient). kuli how.
- Ku?, Hu Who's sleeping?
- Hu Wasja. Sleeping person is Vasya.
kuİn? Tu What is your relationship with her?

kufa how much

kujun < ku iun which

kultur cultural, culture, cultural, more cultural

kuri why

kus, riun so/ therefore/ means/ as a consequence, because/ since/ for the reason Eu kusSalu is suitable because he is healthy

la <active past participle>/ perfect, result/ outcome, finally, in the end/ ended with P.  La ro rounded. Ku?, La what happened?
laba said. lada gave. lahu fell asleep. lais have eaten. lamer killed. lawi enSennaaria plas, laguTa found a plain in the land of Sennaar and settled there. hor tri o la it's been three hours already

lagu lake

las recent

laus grateful / thanking, thanks, gratefully, thanking smb

legi read. Ho legiLibru The person reads a book

li <repetition of the predicate>  Ra'ta Euli! do it well. kuli unknown circumstance/ way/ manner, how/ in quality, ... Kuli? How are you? Li? Tu wi Do you see?

libru book

lingu, basu linguistic, tongue (organ, speech), tongue, speak with smth/ with the help of smth

lo long, length/ longitude, longly, longer

logi, grafi scientific, scientist/ science, scientifically/logically, more scientific/ logical

loku room

lu loving/ prejudiced/ not indifferent, lover/ appreciator/ - phil, preferably, love/ prefer/ highly appreciate smth/ smb: Mi luHi or Hi luunMi I like this

lunde Monday. no'on lunde o'men on the first Monday of the month.

man smart/ sapience/ thinking/ intelligent, thinker/ sapient one, mentally, think smth

mane morning, morning, in the morning, earlier

manun, idea imaginary, idea/ concept, mentally / in the mind, seem / introduce to smb

me average/ joint, middle/ comrade/ fellow  cohabitant, mediocre/ together, near/ with/ between/ (going) for smb

memor remember, memory/ one who remembers, from memory, remember smth/ smb

mi (inalienable) mine, I / me, in my opinion, that I/ reports (about myself) that: Midos my daughter. Mi joEr I know him. Hi mi it's me. Inputting direct speech: Er ba miWi he says: "I see"

minus minus, see kar

minutu minute

mio mine

mobi moving/ pushing, moving something

modu way, method, mode of action, technique

momen moment

mon buy smth

monu pay to smb

monsu monetary/ payment/ currency, money/ means for purchase, paid/ for money,  pay with smth

mu numerous, many: ho mu a lot of people. homu urbu a crowded city

muhau lu rich in love.

nal, ludu I play, performer, as if/as if/as if/as if/allegedly, pretending to be smb/ playing the role of smb. nal = wuun. Mi ne'po 'nal La ra I can't, but I pretend I did

nati national, nation

ne do not exist / absent / insignificant / zero, empty set / zero, in vain, not / without: Ne pauOn Zero is less than one. In neJo She doesn't know. ne'joun unknown. neMi a Everyone except me. Opposites are expressed by different roots: soi cold; ne'soi is not cold (not necessarily hot). gor hot; ne'gor is not hot (not necessarily cold). ne'mi without me

niphon Japanese. niphonia Japan

no nominal/ ordinal/ named/ with index, name/ proper noun/ title/ number, exactly/ nominally, name is/ number/ by name / number is Mi noSerhii My name is Serhii. noFi is called Fi. no'on (#1) first,  no'du (#2) second, no'fin last

noi nocturnal, night, spend the night somewhere

non nine

nos our, we, in our opinion, input of direct speech plural. Res 'laba nos raBriku i! And they said to each other: let's make bricks. nos iTu we including you. nos neTu we without you

noso ours

nu new, news/ remake/ newbie, already, newer than

"проект предлагал сократить разговорную речь путем сведения многосложных слов к односложным и упразднения глаголов" - Джонатан Свифт. Путешествие в Бальнибарби


o suffix of priority of connection of previous roots, of/ in the role of a predicate changes the definition and is determined by places: Gi ser oi (giant stars) group. Kan o'wou neKou A dog that barks does not bite. Introduces the inalienable object: Hi oMi This is part of me / <inalienable> mine. Mi ounDos. I have a daughter. o'ku what of

oi eight

ol excellent, masterpiece, very, more/ superior to smth/ than smth than/ compare with smth. ne'ol not very. ol'ala more than all others

oma tumor

on single/ solitary/ unitary, one, once/ unique/ rarity, =.  On minus'on one minus one. Lingu on, Dialeis on one language, one dialect, on manun only seems to be

or mouth

organis organize smth

os inflammation

osto bone/skeleton, reinforce smth

ou oh!

paper paper

par partial/ particular/ fractional, part/ particle/ piece/ fraction/ element, partially, divide/ separate smth/ smb/ be part of smth/ fractional numerals: On par'du 1/2. Aktual par o'senten actual part of the sentence

par on one-component / solid, monolith, simply, the only part of smth

pau simple/ from a small number of parts, smth uncomplicated, little/ a little in number/ amount

pen five

peu kitchen, cook, preparе food, see ra

piun drinking smth. piun riTu salu drink to your health.

po possible / potential / skillful / capable, potential / talent / professional, perhaps, can. Tu poEi. You can go

poin sorry, is to blame for smb. poino < poin + o regret smth. poinun < poin + un poinun apologize to smb, forgive smb

pol full/ whole, ideal/ limit, enough, is enough for. pol us full of water

pos future, plan, will, after/ later / after (time period): Pos! Bye! Pos wi! goodbye, pos'hor du in two hours

pro confirming, supporter, according to, leave/ in accordance with / agrees with smb / smth  In ne'proMi she does not agree with me

prou let in

problema problem/ question/ task. ne'problema no problem

pre ask smth, prei ask smb, preu ask for

pregnaSun pregnant with son

A preposition is a predicate without predication.

presen introduce

programa program

propu suggest smth

publi public

pun accurate, point/ period, exactly, be exactly smth

ra labor, producer/ worker/ manufacturer, with difficulty, do/ try for the sake of/ make efforts for/ make smth/ force to be smth. ra'<> den stop/stop/close/turn off smth. ra'<> en'<> put in. ra'ki go to bed. ra'sta get up. ra'ses sit down. ra'<> u send

radi, urto radical, root, rooting, rooted in smth

randu random, occasion / happen random, by chance, smb smth/ happens with

raun, arti artificial/ done, composition/ artifact, artificially, made by smb

refer relative, relation, relatively, relate

repor reporting, to report. reporun a report

ri ⇒/ if/ targeted/ favorable, reason, for/ specifically in order to smth/ for the purpose of smth/ so/  increase the likelihood of smth/ contribute to smth/ risks (not *dangerous): Hi neRi, Ri Al It is not a reason, the reason is different; Man riEs I think, therefore I exist

riwi seeking/ looking, search, look for smth

roko chocolate

sa obligatory, obligor/ obligated, necessarily, smb should (do smth). Tu saEi! You should go!
sa = fejun < fei un smth is expected by smb

salu healthy, healthy one (not *health)

samu the same
samu same/ identical, the same/ identity, actually/ too, coincide with smth

satu well-fed

sauna sauna

se old, old thing/ man, still, older than. enRur se'inju the oldest girl in the village

seen to stay. Mi pos seenHi I'll stay here

seis sexual partner.

seku next, follower, consequence, follow smth/ smb

seri series

serte at least

seu seven

si active / (inalienable) one's own, oneself/ agent/ subject, actively, influence smth/ smb. Replaces the subject: Nos ra uSi no! Let's make a name for ourselves

siblin brother and/or sister

sinser frank/ sincere, revelation/ sincerity, frankly/ sincerely, more frank/ sincere

situ situation, position

shengen Schengen

son singing, singi/ singer, humming, sing smth

sper hope

studi study. studiEnglis study English

su instrumental/ helping/auxiliary, instrument/ means/ assistant, instrumentally/ with the help of smth, use smth
ses sitting, perpendicular, across, sitting on. su'karta by card

subu under

sukses have success/ have time/ can do = sperun

sur superficial, surface, superficially, on/ cover

swis Swiss: swisia Switzerland

ta, konkres <definite article>/ such, then/ that, there/ so/ in the case that is determined/ specified by smth. Object of speech. In Ta bel she is so beautiful. ta'analis revealed by analysis. go ta'randu was random (determined by chance). la ta'sinpu i defined by a number of symptoms. Seseni neLata seats are not marked

tain she

tali so

teater theater

teis un fabric

ter Mr./Ms.

terra Earth

terraa, uniwersu world, universe

terror terrible, horror, terrible, more terrible

tja < ti'a eternal, always

tje < ti'e again

tjes < ti'es ever

ti time. ti'ku? when?. tiKu?, Tu pos he What time will you be home? ti'ta that time, then. ti'ne never. tja < ti'a always. tje <ti'e again

tradui translate

tran behind, through, on the other side

tre tea

tri three. Nos Tri There are three of us. Nos Er tri We are three men

tro excessive / extreme, emergency/ excess, too/ excessively, exceed

tu your (inalienable), you/ gentleman should, in your opinion, they say you tueMi you and me. Jo tu'neSu! Confucius said: "A gentleman has no weapons."/ The teacher says: a noble man should not be a tool

tu yours (inalienable)
"проект предлагал сократить разговорную речь путем сведения многосложных слов к односложным и упразднения глаголов" - Джонатан Свифт. Путешествие в Бальнибарби


u directed, flow/ vector, directionally, to/ current to/ (dative). Uun final point/ beneficiary. ne'u not intentionally. u'ku where/ to whom, u'si (to) -self, u'hi here, u'ge down. Ku uHi. Someone is heading this way. A uTu is all for you

ui̯ in-law/ (from the side of) husband/ wife, spouse/ marriage, married

ul combative, battle, warlike, struggle/ fight

un passive / passive participle, object / repetition of the object, at the end of the predicate rearranges the actants / subject to smth: Kuun? Er laba what did he say? Mi raLingu. Un noFi I compose a language, it's called Fi

 ur guts

uru, urbu city/ town

us, liku liquid, water, more liquid

wa centrifugal, centrifuge, in all directions, throw smth

wal valuable/ significant, price/ value, costly, worth how much/ what

wen < u'en entering/ incoming, entering one, entering/ penetrating, into. wen letter incoming letter

wendi selling, salesperson, for sale, sell

wendi selling, salesperson,  nfo,kr sale,

wer, kres confident, adept, with faith, believe. werNo'on wi lu believe in love at first sight

werbu word

werun truthful/ true/ real/ genuine, right, correct

wesper evening/ night

wgei < u'gei away

wi sighted, viewer/ witness/ eyewitness/ observer, obviously, look/ see/ watch/ observe Mi wiEr. I look at him. Mi lawi I, who sees. aswiEr seeing him. wiun what is visible. wiUn the one who sees the object

wko < u'ko before/ approaching

wo want/ wish for

wre < u're back

wu would, conditional/subjunctive mood. Mi lara 'wu nePo I would do it, but I can't.  wu = nalun

"проект предлагал сократить разговорную речь путем сведения многосложных слов к односложным и упразднения глаголов" - Джонатан Свифт. Путешествие в Бальнибарби

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