помогите перевести

Автор Gabriella29, ноября 22, 2011, 11:39

0 Пользователи и 4 гостей просматривают эту тему.


Цитата: Neeraj от марта 19, 2016, 14:21
Мда.. похоже автор неважно знает английский.. Goddess Ashur appears in a halo pulling his arrow ready to shoot  ;D
Разве в арабском «его» и «ее» не различаются?


Цитата: Hellerick от марта 20, 2016, 07:18
Цитата: Neeraj от марта 19, 2016, 14:21
Мда.. похоже автор неважно знает английский.. Goddess Ashur appears in a halo pulling his arrow ready to shoot  ;D
Разве в арабском «его» и «ее» не различаются?
Вот и я про это.. Эта книга про национальный ассирийский флаг, на 3 языках - новоарамейском, арабском и английском...в ассирийском варианте - alaha Ashur "бог Ашур" ( "богиня" будет или alahta или alahita ) , на арабском - al-ilah Ashur тоже "бог Ашур" ( по-арабски "богиня" - ilahat ), а в английском варианте вдруг появляется goddess Ashur  :donno:


Цитата: Poirot от марта 19, 2016, 12:47
Слышал, что американцы в разговорной речи допускают he don't
британцы тоже, но и там, и там это либо диалект, либо социолект, практически всегда непрестижный и звучащий малообразованно


Цитата: Poirot от марта 19, 2016, 12:47
Слышал, что американцы в разговорной речи допускают he don't
А вспомните-ка бессмертное:
"She`s got a ticket to ride,
She`s got a ticket to ri-i-ide,
She`s got a ticket to ride,
But she don`t care".


Напомнило интервью с Ленноном.

- Why do you sing like Americans and talk like Englishmen?
- It sells better.
"Из-за плохой видимости через тепловизор прицела я увидел на расстоянии около 250 метров силуэт парнокопытного, внешне похожего на крупного кабана."


Цитата: Poirot от марта 20, 2016, 18:34
Напомнило интервью с Ленноном.

- Why do you sing like Americans and talk like Englishmen?
- It sells better.
Во буржуин-то.


Народ, выручайте :wall:

Нужно перевести на английский:
Демонтаж унитаза
Демонтаж умывальника
Разборка напольной плитки
Разбивка бетонного основания
Демонтаж траппа
Демонтаж труб ч/к ø 50мм
Демонтаж труб холодного, горячего водоснабжения
Прокладка труб ППРС ø 20мм
Прокладка труб П/Э ø 50мм
Установка унитаза
Установка умывальника
Смена смесителя с душевой сеткой
Смена смесителя кухонного
Смена вентелей ø до 25мм
Установка траппа ø 50мм
Снятие старой плитки со стен
Выравнивание стен раствором
Обработка стен и потолков нейтрализующим составом
Облицовка стен плиткой глазурованной
Устройство цементной стяжки
Устройство напольного покрытия из плитки керамической
Маслянная окраска оконных блоков с расчисткой старой краски до 35%
То же дверных блоков
Смена светильника(типа таблетка)
Вынос мусора

Труба ППРС ø 20мм
Труба П/Э ø 50мм
Фасонные части:
Отвод ø 100мм
Отвод ø 50мм
Смеситель с душевой сеткой
Смеситель кухонный               
Гибкое подключение
Вентель ø до 25мм
Плитка глазурованная
Плитка напольная
Клей плиточный
Краска маслянная
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam


Люди, завтра мне нужно отдать смету начальству. Помогите, пожалуйста :'(
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam


Не владею сметным жаргоном, но примерно так:

Dismantling of toilet
Dismantling of wash basin
Dismantling of floor tiles
Wrecking of the concrete bedding
Disassembly of water trap
Dismantling of cast-iron sewer pipes ø 50mm
Dismantling of cold and hot water pipes
Laying of PPRC pipes ø 20mm
Laying of PE pipes ø 50mm
Installation of toilet
Installation of sink
Replacement of faucet with a shower grid
Replacement of kitchen faucet
Replacement of valves ø ≤25mm
Installation of water trap ø 50mm
Removal of old tiles from the walls
Smoothening of walls with mortat
Treatment of walls and ceilings with a neutralizing composition
Wall facing with glazed tiles
Arrangement of cement screed
Arrangement of flooring made of ceramic tiles
Oil paintwork of window blocks and clearance of old paint ≤35%
Same of door blocks
Replacement of lamp (tablet-type)
Taking out the trash

PPRC pipe ø 20mm
PE pipe ø 50mm
Fitting parts:
Drain ø 100mm
Drain ø 50 mm
Water trap
Faucet with a shower grid
Kitchen faucet
Flexible connection
Valve ø ≤25mm
Glazed tile
Floor tile
Tile clay
Oil paint

При условии, что я правильно понял, что такое трапп.


Hellerick, огромное спасибо ;up:

Хотя, может, это drain box (если учесть, что там опечатка: не трапп, а трап) :???
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam


"Let's have a go"  :???
А растолкуйте, плиз, грамматическую суть вот этого "have a go".
Вообще, насколько это по-английски?
Дякую тобі Боже що я москаль


Цитата: Andrew от апреля  7, 2016, 14:51
"Let's have a go"  :???
А растолкуйте, плиз, грамматическую суть вот этого "have a go".
Вообще, насколько это по-английски?
"Have a go" видела в словаре informal, словарь накрылся, поэтому статью привести не могу. 


have a go
1.     сделать попытку
2.     действовать изобретательно, находчиво
3.     действовать в одиночку против преступника

И куча примеров

P.S. Оказалось, что совсем не куча, но кое-что есть.


Там были более неформальные значения.
Например, иметь половой контакт.


Может, я путаю с have a ride?
Вроде там было have a go. Парень спрашивает проститку: Можно ещё раз? Она отвечает: Конечно, но это будет стоить денег.


Ну, мне вообще-то больше интересен не кокретный смысл, а такая грамматическая конструкция, когда глагол употребляется как существительное. Или английский настолько "окитаился", что любое слово может быть любой частью речи.
Цитата: _Swetlana от апреля  7, 2016, 20:29
Там были более неформальные значения.
Например, иметь половой контакт.
Вы меня прямо пужаете... Я тут в преддверии грядущего летнего сезона пересматривал летние шмотки, и, скрипя сердцем и скрепя зубы, пришлось отправить в помойку любимую рубаху. Вот на ней-то, среди  пальм, яхт, кадиллаков и девушек и была эта фраза. Это с какими же надписями я среди людей ходил..  :fp:
Дякую тобі Боже що я москаль




Цитата: Andrew от апреля  7, 2016, 21:34
Ну, мне вообще-то больше интересен не кокретный смысл, а такая грамматическая конструкция, когда глагол употребляется как существительное. Или английский настолько "окитаился", что любое слово может быть любой частью речи.
Я лично чувствую примерно как 'you have {a permission/request to perform} a "go" {command/action}'. 

Грамматически похоже на русское 'Ему дали "добро"'

То есть надпись на рубашке я бы по-русски заменил на что то вроде "Ну, помчались!" или "Не тормози!"
Если есть сомнения - значит сомнений нет.


Самый близкий перевод на русский будет "Давай попытаемся/попробуем/рискнём".

Чаще всего словосочетание используется в связке с at smth.:
To have (another) go at this - сделать (ещё одну) попытку/заход в чём-то

Другие смыслы имеются, но они либо очень редки, либо очень ситуативны.


Цитата: Andrew от апреля  7, 2016, 21:34
Или английский настолько "окитаился", что любое слово может быть любой частью речи.
Очень многие короткие слова в английском, чаще всего англо-саксонского происхождения, легко меняют своё назначение как части речи. Это так уже очень давно. Английский вообще очень аналитичен и в этом смысле действительно местами похож на китайский, но китайцы ушли всё таки дальше


Друзья, пожалуйста, помогите с переводом на русский. Очень важно :)

The greatest burden of non-communicable lung disease (NCLD) occurs in low- and middle income countries (LMICs) where exposure to household air pollution (HAP) and/or tobacco smoke is high. Yet these countries are seriously under-represented in current scientific research. For a tailored approach towards NCLDs in rural, low-resource settings, it is desirable to be aware of local beliefs, perceptions and behaviour towards this problem.

The objective of this study is to explore and understand local beliefs, perceptions and behaviours towards NCLD in rural, low-resource settings. Via the knowledge obtained, the overall aim is to tailor evidence-based interventions to local situations. By doing so, the process of implementation can be improved and in turn, the likelihood of health improvement increased.

Research question:
What local beliefs, perceptions and behaviours can be observed towards chronic respiratory symptoms in rural, low-resource settings in the Kyrgyz Republic?

Materials and methods:
The study will be performed in two community settings in the Kyrgyz Republic where tobacco consumption and/or exposure to HAP is high. A mixed-method design will be employed via the Rapid Assessment (RA) approach.  RA is a flexible and time-effective approach which enhances the fit with local circumstances and acts upon emerging opportunities. The focus in RA is on the local system (community) perspective.  Two communities will be visited for one week each, in which semi-structured interviews, observations, focus groups, document analysis and questionnaires will be conducted simultaneously. Data is preliminarily analysed daily, monitoring data saturation and allowing for iterative adjustments of planning, methods, materials, themes and informants.
The research team is multidisciplinary, consisting of external and local researchers. Communities and informants will be selected transparently. Selection will be purposively for the qualitative part of the study and be directed towards creating diversity. Selection will be at random for the quantitative part (the questionnaires). Data will be analysed using a framework approach. The COREQ consensus statement will be adhered in documentation.


Цитата: Madison от апреля 11, 2016, 12:47
Друзья, пожалуйста, помогите с переводом на русский. Очень важно :)
Три абзаца на скорую руку перевел (без вылизывания стиля), дальше чё-то ломает:

Исходные данные:
Наибольшая тяжесть незаразной болезни легких (НБЛ) имеет место в странах с низким и средним доходом (CYCL), где высоки подверженность людей домашнему загрязнению воздуха (ДЗВ) и/или табачному дыму. Но эти страны очень слабо представлены в настоящем научном исследовании. Для того, чтобы специально рассчитать частоту возникновения НБЛ в сельской местности с низким ресурсным обеспечением, желательно иметь информацию о местных верованиях, обычаях  и особенностях поведения относительно указанной проблемы.

Цель данной работы заключается в исследовании и понимании местных верований, обычаев и особенностей поведения людей, живущих в сельской местности в условиях низкой обеспеченности ресурсами. После получения этой информации общей целью является моделирование основанных на свидетельствах случаев вмешательства в местную ситуацию. В процессе такого вмешательства сам эго процесс может быть оптимизирован и, в свою очередь, вероятность улучшения здоровья людей может возрасти.

Вопрос исследования:
На какие местные верования, обычаи и особенности поведения следует обратить внимание в отношении хронических респираторных заболеваний в сельских поселениях с низкой ресурсной обеспеченностью на территории Киргизии?


The personal value of being part of a Tropical Health Education Trust (THET) links programme to develop a palliative care degree programme in Sub Saharan Africa: a descriptive study of the views of volunteer UK health care professionals.

The need for education of the palliative care workforce in Sub Saharan Africa

The need for palliative care around the world is immense and there is a specific need for service leaders, clinical palliative care providers and trained trainers for palliative care. Non communicable diseases, including cancer, are the leading cause of death around the world [1], with 8.2 million cancer deaths in 2012 (38 % more than 20 years ago [2], and an estimated 14.1 million new cancer cases [3, 4]. The rates of cancer are expected to increase by over 400 % over the next 50 years (due to the increasing total population, increasing average age and the broad epidemiological transitions with a shift towards NCDs and multiple morbidity) with 70 % of new cancer cases being in the developing world [2]. One of the challenges to providing cancer care in Sub-Saharan Africa is late presentation, approximately 80 % of cancer patients present with advanced, and incurable disease. Limited availability of diagnostic and treatment facilities impacts on the prognosis of those presenting early, cancer mortality and morbidity are high thus furthering the need for palliative care. Sub-Saharan Africa bears the burden of communicable disease, in particular HIV, with 25 million adults and children living with HIV and 1.2 million deaths per year [5]. The Global Atlas of Palliative Care at the End of Life [6], ( states that in 2011 there were 54.6 million deaths, 66 % of them due to non communicable diseases, and over 29 million dying from conditions requiring palliative care (94 % adults, 69 % > 60 years of age and 6 % <15 years). Therefore 377 per 100,000 adults and 63 children per 100,000 children are estimated to need palliative care at the end of life.

Palliative care service provision in Sub-Saharan Africa has improved since it was first mapped in 2006 [7], however despite areas of significant palliative care development there are huge populations across Africa with no access to palliative care [8]. Knapp et al. [9] undertook a systematic review of the provision of children's palliative care noting that 65.5 % of countries around the world had no known children's palliative care provision, 18.8 % had capacity building activities, 9.9 % localised community palliative care provision and only 5.7 % of countries around the world had community palliative care provision reaching mainstream providers. In 2011 the WHO estimated that 80 % of the world's population have no access to morphine for pain relief [10]. Affordable and effective models of palliative care exist throughout Africa however as illustrated there is an immense need for palliative care in Sub-Saharan Africa and huge gaps in its provision. Therefore education and training is a foundation measure for the ongoing development of palliative care [11], and was the inspiration for the degree in Palliative Care in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Hospice Africa Uganda was founded in 1993 in Kampala, with a vision to initiate and support palliative care throughout Africa. Clinical services have developed as well as parallel education programmes for health and supportive care professionals at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The Bachelor of Science in Palliative Care for Africa degree programme (the focus of this specific study) a joint venture between Hospice Africa Uganda education unit (the Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care in Africa (IHPCA), and Makerere University who award the degree, was launched in 2009.

The degree in Palliative Care for Africa course does not just encompass clinical palliative care training and skill development, but also provides training in needs assessment, models of service delivery, management, donor liaison, writing funding proposals, advocacy research and teaching skills. The degree equips graduates with the necessary skills to return to their places of work to develop services, train others and develop the evidence base required to further develop palliative care in Africa in addition to providing good quality palliative care. To date: 166 have completed the Diploma in PC, 46 the Degree in PC and there are currently 20 students in year 1, 24 in year 2 and 19 in year 3. Participants come from across the region and not just within Uganda, thus developing the workforce in a range of countries including Uganda, Cameroon, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Rwanda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

The Tropical Health Education Trust (THET) Links Health Partnership

The underpinning goal of THET is to harness the expertise of health care workers in the UK, to work with staff in the lower income countries, to enable them to increase their capacity to provide health care. Central to the goal, is the embracement of international volunteering by UK clinical staff. Within palliative care, volunteering plays a pivotal role with approximately 125,000 volunteers in hospices in the UK alone [12]. Globally the establishment of the specialty of palliative care has seen the concomitant rise in volunteers, particularly in the western world and Australia. With palliative care emerging in resource poor countries, there has seen the emergence of models of volunteer workers, often trained to support the hospice team. Studies reporting the personal impact of volunteering in palliative care settings are emerging including a Canadian study by Claxton – Oldfield who found volunteers reported a change in personal growth [13]. More recently in developing countries including India and Sub Saharan Africa, the volunteers are reporting a growth in personal pride and valuing the roles [14–16].

The THET Health – Links model offers opportunity for a link between a UK NHS organisation and a health facility or organisation in a developing country. Staff with various roles within the UK organisation, can have the opportunity to contribute to supporting capacity building of health care staff in the link organization abroad. Responding to the needs of that organisation. The link model is flexible and may include multiple short trips, as well as longer periods of leave. This study relates to a THET Health links partnership established between a UK virtual palliative care faculty (established specifically for this project) and the education team at Hospice Africa Uganda to support the development and delivery of a palliative care degree over a three year period. The faculty comprised palliative care multi-disciplinary staff (nurses, doctors, social workers, chaplains) and academic staff from across the UK, employed in the National Health Service (NHS), academic institutions and the voluntary sector, for example hospices. The UK faculty supported the Ugandan team, in the development and delivery of the degree programme for 30 health professionals annually from different African countries. UK faculty members were volunteering their time, whilst their accommodation and travel was funded through the UK Shoestring Palliative Care LINKS Programme, the project had a grant from the International Health Links Funding Scheme, which was funded by the UK Department for International Development and the Department of Health, and jointly managed by THET and the British Council. This paper will report on the personal value of being a volunteer, and reports on part of a wider study for the funders, which looked at the impact of the partnership on the volunteers, students and partners [copy available from the corresponding author]

Whilst supporting the degree programme, UK palliative care faculty undertook a range of activities including: supporting the development of the curriculum content (syllabus review), teaching, student support, mentoring Ugandan degree teaching staff, assessment activities including setting examinations and assignment questions as well as marking and moderating and helping with the practical examination assessment. Additionally faculty members also undertook clinical work as appropriate, including home visits, working with the hospital palliative care team and outpatient consultations.

Aim of the Study: As part of the evaluation of the partnership, we aimed to explore the impact on the UK faculty of participating in the partnership. Data collection was between November and December 2012, following completion of the first cohort of the degree programme and analysis completed in 2013.

Go to:
An evaluation approach was selected for the study, which is widely used in both education and health service research [17–19]. Both a quantitative and qualitative focus was included to ensure all relevant data for THET was obtained, as well as a qualitative element, to enable participants to draw upon their experiences, was captured within the study design [20, 21].

A descriptive survey was adopted for the study offering a pragmatic approach as the faculty were based across the UK, as well as providing a degree of confidentiality to encourage people to express honest views and opinions [21, 22]. The survey contained an information section regarding the purpose of the evaluation, assurance of their confidentiality and permission to use written quotes. The return of the survey was considered as them granting consent to participate. Survey Monkey® was used to develop a confidential survey that was distributed electronically. The development of the questions was undertaken by the research team and the questionnaire was purposefully designed not to collect demographic information or any other potentially identifying information due to the small number of participants. It was felt that this would encourage candour, prevent potential identification of individuals from this small population and insure anonymity of research participants. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics via Survey Monkey®. [21, 23].

The open-ended free text questions were subject to content thematic analysis [20, 21]. The survey was sent out to 17 members of the faculty, the original number of the faculty at the commencement of the partnership. However, it must be noted that three members had been inactive in the partnership over the latter year, due to personal commitments and finally responses were received from 14 members (82 % response rate). The respondents current posts comprised; academic, clinical doctor (ranging from specialist trainee to consultant and GP), specialist nurses and chaplains. All but one of the respondents had undertaken visits to Uganda to support the programme and were involved with teaching, clinical work, clinical experience, service review and research.

Ethics: The project was reviewed by West London Research Ethics Committee and considered service evaluation. Respondents are referred to by number against the quotations, due to the small sample size to maintain confidentiality [24]. Respondents were invited to participate in the survey and advised that completion of the survey implied consent for publication.
пожалуйста помогите, меня шеф съест

Red Khan

Цитата: Берчелано от апреля 16, 2016, 15:34
пожалуйста помогите, меня шеф съест
А зачем Вам шеф даёт задания с которыми Вы изначально не можете справиться? Риторический вопрос конечно.

По моим наблюдениям никто не будет переводить такую простыню. Лучше выложите свой вариант (именно свой, а не машинный перевод), тогда возможно и найдутся те, кто укажет на ошибки.

Иначе только на какой-нибудь фрилансовский сайт, на английский расценки не должны быть большими.


Подозрительно. Кто, интересно, этот шеф и почему он интересуется организацией, занятой в Сомали и Замбии?‥

Вот эта строчка тоже интересна: «В 2011 году, по оценкам ВОЗ, 80% населения мира не имели доступа к морфину для облегчения боли».
Шеф желает помочь?‥
Пиши, что думаешь, но думай, что пишешь.
Waheeba dokin ʔebi naha.
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