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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор Gashan
 - декабря 21, 2011, 16:18
Видео большое- на 30 минут, но я был бы очень и очень признателен, если кто-нибудь сделат транскрипт этого труда!
http://narod.ru/disk/27416176000/Архив ZIP - WinRAR.zip.html
Заранее спасибо!
Автор Gashan
 - декабря 12, 2011, 11:02
Спасибо большое!!!  :) :=
Автор Robert Dunwell
 - декабря 11, 2011, 23:16
Вот запись. Толь Поль говорит с очень сильным индейским акцентом, и поэтому понять на сто процентов очень трудно. Я разобрал примерно 95% - что вполне достаточно, чтобы понять суть песни.  В нескольких местах (где, очевидно, молится) песня вовсе не на английском, а на индейском.

Can you turn it up a little...
That's good.
Tall Paul, South Minneapolis
I got a song "Prayers in a Song"

I feel the light and  effects of assimilation.
In a city native, raised by bright lights and skyscrapers.
Born with dim prospects. Little peace in
living as a child. I hated 'bout the fact that I wasn't wild
like they called my ancestors. Imagine what it would
be to live nomadic off the land and free.
Instead I was full of heat like a furnace
because I wasn't furnished with the language
and traditional ways of my peops.
Yeah, I used to feel that I wasn't truly indigenous
(на индейском) definitely native. Take responsibility for being
educated by my people in customs originating from
early phases of histories. Deeper than frybread and contest
pow wows. Feel, sheading the sweat, Lord, pressed for what(?) all of those
I've wronged and who have wronged me. Gotta treat 'em like
family. Get your money, dough (на индейском)
Becoming aware of our heartbeat's fragility
so why pray for my creator's willing humility
It seems my prayer's weak. I can't speak.
Not a linguist. Doesn't hear my English when I
??? feel the answer to the question.
This is symbolic of anguish I feel regarding
language and the obligation of revitalising
something sacred. Failed(?) to carry through with disgracing a nation.
My first tongue's in need of a facelift, but deciphering
conjugations is like trying to find my way through
a maze in a matrix. It's complex. Hard to stop without an end
aside from being fluent. I've got to push the limit if I'm
gonna keep a sowing(?), so I use it in a way that relates
to my life in Beaucab(?). Bring some ??? so we spit it on a track
and I take it out the class(?) and let what I lack become
a self-defeating habit and make me want to quit.
Get your money, dough (на индейском).

I said prayers in a song (на индейском).
You ain't never heard nothing like it.
Автор Gashan
 - декабря 11, 2011, 18:42
На этом видео 2 минуты 14 секунд Длинный Пол говорит по-английски. Можете, пожалуйста, написать на английском, что он говрит.