лексика нидерландского в процентом соотношении на сколько германская?

Автор Demetrios de Mosca, сентября 12, 2015, 12:41

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Demetrios de Mosca

Бойся тех, кто больше всех кричит РОДИНА , НАРОД - первые и продадут! (Чингиз).

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Чисто визуально в нидерландских текстах намного меньше латинизмов чем в английском, хотя в научных не знаю,смотрел в инете только художественные тексты на нидерландском и паралельно с ними перевод на русский
There is no conversation more boring than the one where everybody agrees (Michel de Montaigne) ;[пол:мужской]


Нашел тут: http://www.antimoon.com/forum/t10803.htm

PARISIEN   Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:35 pm GMT

<< Well for example the verbs... according to Wikipedia German has 181 irregular verbs. Dutch has more than 350, the most of any other contemporary Germanic language! >>

-- Dutch is indeed something special. It is a language that grew up like the German dialect it is but uncontrolled, unregulated, unacademic. Structurally simpler than German but fairly anarchic. A cluster of seamen and peasant slangs, you get the picture. Only quite recently did it give birth to a great literature, and some efforts were made to standardize it.

Dutch actually takes a central place among Germanic languages. Its vocabulary is closest to Old English, is of course in tight relation to German, but features also a number of words only found in Scandinavian tongues. Dutch can be described as more Germanic than any other Teutonic languages, but it has at the same time a 'Sprachunion' relationship to French, with some unexpected similarities like the low aspiration of unvoiced plosive consonants, in shear contrast with German and English.


Там же:

Travis   Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:55 pm GMT

To me at least, the only thing non-Germanic-seeming about Dutch at all, French loans aside (especially considering that such loans are rather common in Germanic languages goday), is its lack of aspiration of fortis plosives. Other than that, though, I do not see much really atypical about Dutch as a modern Germanic language at all.

Guest   Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:56 pm GMT

French speech did not influence Dutch, it's the other way around.

Frankish influence Gallo-Roman (pre French) ... and Frankish was the ancestor of Dutch (its only modern descendant)

Also it's wrong to call Dutch a deviant German dialect, which it isn't. Even Swiss German is a million times more similar to German than Dutch is.

In fact, Dutch is considered to be much and much closer to the older form of continental west Germanic than German is... I think persons who claim that German is a very deviant dialect of Dutch have more ground than persons who claim the other thing around.

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