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Автор JANKO GORENC, мая 18, 2015, 16:32

0 Пользователи и 1 гость просматривают эту тему.


This thread I created with a view because I would like all the notices that we send e-mail to my old address: jankogorenc@hotmail.com that I can not answer even read the mail, because I have a very big problem. Only last week I was able to open mail that is received in May 2014
Last year I tried several times to open but always in vain. Always when I entered the correct password, I get a message that I need to enter my phone number. Since I do not have the phone I do not have numbers. So I gave up, and I have not looked at //hotmail.com
I always got the following message.
Help us protect your account
Password you can remember or even stolen. For extra protection, add security information, which will in case of problems can be added to your account. This information will not be used to send spam, but to further protect your account. More information.
What security details you want to add?

Telephone number

Check the phone number via:
Could you please send me next message on my current e-mail address: j_gorenc@yahoo.com
or from my private message in future.

Thank you for your help!

Janko Gorenc

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