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"davenen" & "yarmulke"

Автор Marius, октября 11, 2013, 21:27

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ЦитироватьLater a limited immigration of Jewish elites from Germany—rabbis and Talmudic scholars, young and old—completed the process, further establishing the new language of the masses and apparently also modifying and consolidating their rituals. These religious elites, seemingly invited in from the west, enjoyed a prestige that many wanted to emulate and share, hence the expansion and consolidation of the German vocabulary. Yet such a pivotal word as "to pray"—a key concept in the ritual imaginary—was retained in its Turkish dialect form: davenen. Like many other words in Yiddish, it did not come from a German dialect.
ЦитироватьThe essential way of life of the typical Yiddish townlet, which must also have preserved the dialect, has never been found in the Rhine area or its vicinity. From the second century BCE, when Judaism began to spread in the world, it flourished in small faith communities mostly on the margins of cities and towns, and only rarely in villages. In Western and Southern Europe, Jews never created separate settlements. But the Jewish townlet, not always small (and not always exclusively Jewish), permitted its inhabitants to differ from its neighbors not only in religious practices and norms but also in more secular ways, such as language or the architectural style of prayer houses. At the center of the Jewish townlet stood the synagogue, with a double dome reminiscent of the Eastern pagoda. Jewish dress in Eastern Europe did not resemble that of the Jews of France or Germany. The yarmulke— also derived from a Turkic word—and the fur hat worn over it were more reminiscent of the people of the Caucasus and the horsemen of the steppes than of Talmudic scholars from Mainz or merchants from Worms. These garments, like the long silk caftan worn chiefly on the Sabbath, differed from the clothing worn by the Belorussian or Ukrainian peasants. But any mention of these features and others—from food to humor, from clothing to chants, all connected to the specific cultural morphology of their daily life and their history—scarcely interested the scholars who were occupied in inventing the eternal history of the "people of Israel." They could not come to terms with the troublesome fact that there had never been a Jewish people's culture, but only a popular Yiddish culture that resembled the cultures of their neighbors much more than it did those of the Jewish communities of Western Europe or North Africa.
~ Shlomo Sand - The Invention of the Jewish People

Какие мысли про этимологию этих двух слов, и не только?


Вижу все молчат, поэтому попробую сдвинуть дело с места помахав незнакомыми мне языками. Из Freelang Dictionaries:
ЦитироватьTurkish: to pray - dua yalvarma.
Persian: prayer - da'vâ, eltemâs, do'â, da'vat.
Tatar: prayer - dua, doha.
Gagauz: prayer - dua.
Yiddish: Pray - Davenen; pray - davnen, tfile ton, bench.

Wolliger Mensch

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Ось ще такий претендент попався. Нагадує єдність молитви та лікування на стародавніх глиняних табличках.


A screenshot from a Routledge series book entitled "The Turkic Languages"

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