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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор listengort88
 - октября 30, 2018, 09:39
Цитата: wandrien от апреля 26, 2018, 18:59
Цитата: Poirot от марта  3, 2018, 16:14
Цитата: SIVERION от января  7, 2018, 20:34
Слыхал что сама интонация в русском для других народов "жесткая" и когда русские спокойно говорят другим кажется что они ругаются.
А мне вот сербы говорили, что русский для них звучит мягко.
Тоже слышал такое от сербов.

По сравнению с сербским, русский - сама мягкость :)
так - трактор, по выражению англичан
Автор Poirot
 - апреля 26, 2018, 20:27
Автор wandrien
 - апреля 26, 2018, 19:58
Автор Poirot
 - апреля 26, 2018, 19:56
с возвращением!
Автор wandrien
 - апреля 26, 2018, 18:59
Цитата: Poirot от марта  3, 2018, 16:14
Цитата: SIVERION от января  7, 2018, 20:34
Слыхал что сама интонация в русском для других народов "жесткая" и когда русские спокойно говорят другим кажется что они ругаются.
А мне вот сербы говорили, что русский для них звучит мягко.
Тоже слышал такое от сербов.
Автор forest
 - апреля 7, 2018, 22:17
Основные причины изучения других языков это 1) необходимость, 2)престижность, 3) экзотика
Автор Guldrelokk
 - марта 3, 2018, 19:34
Цитата: zwh от марта  3, 2018, 19:29
Я посмотрел более детально вот тут, обнаружил такие вот примеры:
К утвердительным клаузам относятся только последние строчки и только к особенному их типу.
Кстати, во всех этих случаях в русском тоже поднимающаяся интонация.
Автор zwh
 - марта 3, 2018, 19:29
Цитата: Guldrelokk от марта  3, 2018, 17:29
Цитата: zwh от марта  3, 2018, 17:26
Ну, это, может, в монологе или чтении лекции. А в диалоге таки повышають.
Везде пишут, что в английских утвердительных предложениях падающая интонация. С поднимающейся интонацией от яванцев они воспринимаются носителями как вопросы.

Я посмотрел более детально вот тут, обнаружил такие вот примеры:

General questions
Do you go there /OFten?
Was she glad to /SEE him?
Have you read this /BOOK?
Are you ready to /START?
Would you please pass the /PEPper?

Introductory phrases
If he /CALLS, ask him to \COME.
When I was walking in the /PARK, I saw a couple of interesting \BIRDS.
According to his /WORDS, he met that girl at the \TENnis club.
All of a /SUDden, the girl started to \CRY.

Alternative questions
Would you like an /APple or a \PEAR?
Does he speak /ENGlish or \GERman?
Did you go to the /CINema or to the \THEater yesterday?

Direct address

/TOM, could you /HELP me, please?
/SIR, you dropped your \NOTEbook.
Mr. /SMITH, your papers are \READy.

If direct address is at the end of the sentence, it may be pronounced with a rise or just with a stress on it.
Good \MORNing, /JANE.
Good \MORNing, Jane.
Good-\BYE, /Tom.

/One, /two, /three, /four, \five.
She bought /bread, /cheese, and to\MAtoes.

Tag questions
The choice of a rise or a fall in the second part of tag questions depends on whether the speaker is sure of getting an affirmative answer.
It's a beautiful \TOWN, /ISN'T it? (The speaker thinks that the town is beautiful but asks for your opinion and confirmation.)
It's a beautiful \TOWN, \ISN'T it? (The speaker is sure that the town is beautiful and expects you to agree.)

You don't speak \FRENCH, /DO you? (The speaker thinks that you don't speak French but is not completely sure and asks for confirmation.)
You don't speak \FRENCH, \DO you? (The speaker is sure that you don't speak French and expects you to agree.)

Fall-rise may be used instead of the normal rising tone in unfinished parts of sentences, for example, in introductory phrases or subordinate clauses at the beginning of the sentence. Fall-rise signals non-finality and continuation of the utterance and emphasizes the word on which it is used. The voice first falls down and then goes up within one word.
If we don't act very \ /FAST, we may lose \EVErything.
The article said that Dr. Alan \ /SMITH was the only person who saw the \KILLer.

High rise
High rise may be used for expressing strong surprise or disbelief in questions, for example, in surprised echo questions. High rise starts higher and ends higher than the normal rising tone. High rise is very expressive and emphatic. Language learners should use it with caution and not too often.
(1) I'm extremely sorry, but I probably lost the book you gave me.
/WHAT? You lost my /BOOK? (Meaning: I can't believe it.)
(2) Where's my purse? You were here.
Ex/CUSE me? (Meaning: I can't believe you said it and ask you to repeat it.)

Change of standard patterns
Change of standard patterns of rising or falling intonation also has meaning. Falling intonation generally expresses completion, finality, and confidence, while rising intonation usually expresses non-finality, incompleteness, surprise, doubt, interest.

Rising intonation often implies a request to repeat or readiness to continue conversation. The examples below show how the meaning may change when the same sentence is pronounced with falling intonation and with rising intonation.

Melissa wants to quit her \JOB. (Giving information.)
Melissa wants to quit her /JOB? (Surprised echo question.)
Where are you \FROM? (Standard intonation when asking for information.)
Where are you /FROM? (Sounds more interested, more polite.)
Ex/CUSE me? (Asking to repeat.)
Ex\CUSE me. (Apologizing or attracting attention.)
Have you washed the /DISHes? (Standard intonation when asking for information.)
Have you washed the \DISHes? (The answer "yes" is expected.)
Sit \DOWN. (Order, command.)
Sit \DOWN, /PLEASE. (Sounds more polite, like a request.)

Can I speak to the /MANager, please? (Standard informal request.)
Can I speak to the \MANager, please? (Sounds like a command; the answer "yes" is expected.)
A statement with rising intonation in answering a question signals readiness to answer another question or to continue conversation.

Question: Excuse me, could you tell me where the university library is?
Answer: Across the /STREET. (Meaning: Do you see it? I'm ready to answer another question if necessary.)

Q: How long did you stay in San Francisco?
A: I stayed there about a /WEEK. (Meaning: I'm ready to answer questions and continue this conversation.)
Автор jvarg
 - марта 3, 2018, 17:40
Цитата: Rwseg от сентября 20, 2015, 18:25
(для ориентира: 44% армян АрССР в 1989 знали русский

Ну, это не совсем верно.

Я это говорю как человек, который как раз в это время плотно общался с армянами из АрССР.

Тут вопрос, что понимать под словом "знали" язык.

Говорили очень плохо - да, почти все, кто не жил вне пределов собственно Армении. Ибо языковой практики не было.

Но понимали на 100% абсолютно все.

Многие просто стеснялись своего акцента.

Ну, т.е. если на уровне купить что-то в магазине,  спросить как куда-то пройти - то русский знали 100%.

А если на уровне вести светскую беседу - то может и те самые 44%, а то и  меньше.
Автор Guldrelokk
 - марта 3, 2018, 17:38
Stanley S. Newman (1946), On the Stress System of English (цитируется в SPE):
ЦитироватьThere is a contrastive type of expressive accent, one which is employed to contrast one reference in a predication with another comparable reference, expressed or implied. Thus, in the sentence he wants the ye"llow sheet of paper (not the white one), a contrastive expressive accent is placed on the word yellow. Phonetically, the contrastively accented word is pronounced with an especially strong force of articulation and with the sentence intonation which normally appears on the last heavy-stressed word of the sentence. In the above example, the falling intonation characteristic of declarative sentences occurs on yellow, the remaining words of the sentence being pronounced on a fairly even low pitch; in he wants a yellow sheet of paper, as normally spoken without expressive accent, the falling intonation is placed on the last word of the sentence.