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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор Dark
 - декабря 23, 2005, 00:38
As far as I remember, we discussed sets of muscles during the basic phonetics/phonology course. But we regarded the tongue as one set of muscles. As opposed to vocal folds, labial muscles, palatal muscles, muscles of the glottis etc. It is possible that in the articulation of the palatal [t'] the muscles that raise and lower the palate are involved along with the tongue muscles. Again, this is just an assumption.
If this problem keeps you awake at night, consult... you know whom.  :)
Автор RawonaM
 - декабря 8, 2005, 00:06
Цитата: Dark от декабря  8, 2005, 00:02
Does it make any difference for a mere linguist? :)
Oh yeah! Very much, actually. You don't remember Tobin's considerations about the number of muscle sets? :) Well, maybe if you take his advanced course in the future, you will get into the theory deeper. :)
Автор Dark
 - декабря 8, 2005, 00:02
Does it make any difference for a mere linguist? :)
Автор RawonaM
 - декабря 7, 2005, 23:57
Цитата: Dark от декабря  7, 2005, 23:45
I'm not sure... I tried to do it and my own experience prompts me that not only the apex touches the teeth or the alveoli, but also the anterodorsum raises towards the hard palate... this is a purely empirical evidence...
No doubts about that. Now I'm intrested not in the external shape, but in the internal changes - which muscles are used.
Автор Dark
 - декабря 7, 2005, 23:45
I'm not sure... I tried to do it and my own experience prompts me that not only the apex touches the teeth or the alveoli, but also the anterodorsum raises towards the hard palate... this is a purely empirical evidence...
I don't know what Mr. Ladefoged would say about that.
Автор RawonaM
 - декабря 7, 2005, 22:54
What is different in the configuration of tongue muscles during articulation of  palatalized and regular consonants? Let's say [t] vs [].