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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор iopq
 - февраля 22, 2010, 10:25
Цитата: Rezia от декабря  4, 2005, 18:58
But the homophones aren't absolute.  :)
they are in my pronunciation
Автор Joli poisson
 - февраля 22, 2010, 07:52
ЦитироватьTwo things make woman late in going any place:
For first she must make up her mind and then her face.

The Q is: how many things do make man late in going any place? :) Just one, he must make up his mind?..
Автор Joli poisson
 - февраля 22, 2010, 07:37
ЦитироватьTo bed or not to bed.
By Шакеспеаре.
ЦитироватьThis person was a girl, didn't she?
It's about a boy playing at computer games. He is sleepy but would not like to stop playing. He wonders, if he should go to bed.

Oh, I see, 'By' is "a boy playing at computer games. ...", and 'Шакеспеаре' is the surname of the boy  :=
I thought 'By Шакеспеаре' is a girl as such name as 'By' suits more a girl...  :yes: :P :D

PS: the word 'bed' was neither here nor there; the name 'By' was the issue, dear... I wanted to make a joke out of your words...
Автор Joli posson
 - февраля 22, 2010, 07:30
ЦитироватьTo bed or not to bed.
By Шакеспеаре.
ЦитироватьThis person was a girl, didn't she?
It's about a boy playing at computer games. He is sleepy but would not like to stop playing. He wonders, if he should go to bed.

Oh, I see, 'By' is "a boy playing at computer games. ...", and 'Шакеспеаре' is the surname of the boy  :=
I thought 'By Шакеспеаре' is a girl as such name as 'By' suits more a girl...  :yes: :P :D
Автор RawonaM
 - июня 1, 2009, 17:23
Said Hamlet to Ophelia:
I'll draw a sketch of thee,
What kind of pencil shall I use?
2B or not 2B?

Spike Milligan
Автор klaus
 - сентября 28, 2007, 14:32
Two things make woman late in going any place:
For first she must make up her mind and then her face.
Автор Tony
 - марта 3, 2007, 03:59
Sorry, I meant Shakespeare with "he". ;-)
Автор Joli poisson
 - марта 3, 2007, 03:44
No, he didn't write "Шекспир", but thank you for answer
Автор Tony
 - марта 2, 2007, 14:52
But he is written that way: Шекспир.
Автор Joli poisson
 - марта 2, 2007, 14:37
Within a few seconds the police were upstairs. "We know you are in there," the police said. "So just come out with your hands up."
Very slowly, the wardrobe door opened, and the burglar popped out.
"Hi, I was looking for her," he said, pointing at me. "It's her birthday andIjust come round for the party."
"It isn't my birthday," I said. And at that, the police handcuffed him and took him away.
The last I heard, he was serving time for a string of burglaries in the area. The cheeky devil.

Ву Шакеспеаре - is a writer as I understand, isn't it?