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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор Tony
 - августа 8, 2006, 11:34
Цитата: Peamur от декабря 12, 2004, 22:47
you're loosin' such a great opportunity! :mrgreen:

"loose" means e. g. "рыхлый" and "to lose" e.g. "терять" or "проигрывать". :)

Many English natives seem to make the same mistake.
Автор Rezia
 - декабря 12, 2004, 23:37
So how much did that "opium for people" cost? I mean each copy. And how much profit is it possible to get? Let's say if one sells 100 copies a day.
Автор Peamur
 - декабря 12, 2004, 23:10
nope, but in summer it can be very profitable. you can save some money you'll get for the transporting of the tabloids. If you're fit enough and you're able to exist in many places at one time - the profit will increase - so, some my friends could buy new laptops on these money.
Автор Rezia
 - декабря 12, 2004, 23:03
I bet you do have some experience.
Автор Peamur
 - декабря 12, 2004, 22:47
you're loosin' such a great opportunity! :mrgreen:
Автор Rezia
 - декабря 12, 2004, 22:43
This can hardly happen.
Автор Peamur
 - декабря 12, 2004, 22:23
ЦитироватьI wouldn't like to be involved in those games with yellow press

You can distribute these tabloids to get some money, don't you?
Автор Rezia
 - ноября 10, 2004, 20:58
To tell you the truth, well, sometimes :yes: Actually I don't read, I stare at photos. They are usually huge there. And I adore enormous colorful things :) Tabloids are not for reading. And I wouldn't like to be involved in those games with yellow press, the thing I'd like to be involved in... is possessing money, and a lot :roll:
Автор Good girl
 - ноября 10, 2004, 00:17
thanx for improving my skills :yes: :oops:
So you`re reading tabloids if you`d like to be involved into those games ;--)
Автор Rezia
 - ноября 10, 2004, 00:00
Цитата: Good girlSome people hate the tabloid papers (the small ones like The Sun and The Mirror) because they think that these papers encourage our lowest instincts: greed, hate, spite and so on. Every so often the tabloids are accused of having no morals at all, and being too willing to destroy celebrities' lives by publishing scandalous things about them. Certainly the tabloids seem to be obsessed with sex.

But the question whether they are still SERIOUS! Do these newspapers still give to the readers a quality news?

Let me correct you a bit :)
"But the question IS whether they are still SERIOUS! Do these newspapers still give _ the readers _ quality news?"

You know, dear friend, sometimes I wish I had a surname like Rockefeller or Trump :roll:
And I would stand being photographed for these notorious tabloids with some kind of pleasure :lol: