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Автор wessi78
 - января 21, 2009, 22:20
Beginner's Latin Book
Author: Collar W.C., Grant M.D.
Publisher: Ginn and Company
Publication date: 1891
Number of pages: 293
Format / Quality: rar -> djvu
Size: 5.35 MB
The authors of the "Beginner's Latin Book" are of the opinion that a separate edition of the exercises for turning English into Latin will be a great convenience to teachers.
After the exercises have been done once with the help of the special vocabularies and under the direction and criticism of the teacher, it will be found useful to review them again and again, sometimes orally, sometimes in writing, with all helps in the way of rules, special vocabularies, and model sentences removed. The pupil is thus left to depend entirely upon his previous study and faithful attention to hit teacher's instructions.
It is believed also that teachers who use other elementary Latin books will be glad to have, in cheap and convinient form, a set of exercises which they can use as supplementary to their regular work. For such, an edition is published with an English-Latin vocabulary.
Both edotions have the Glossarium Grammaticum for the aid of those who wish to conduct recitations in Latin.
