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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор iopq
 - марта 23, 2008, 01:40
thou dost (doest) :D
Автор andrewsiak
 - ноября 28, 2007, 11:07
Цитата: sknente от ноября 27, 2007, 19:11
Цитата: sknente от августа 26, 2007, 00:54
http://youtube.com/watch?v=KaTanewWj4Y Sweet. :> Doesn't seem as hard to pronounce as English... the ending sounds kinda like... элшьигиропнай. : p
That "элшьигиропнай" is translated to Dutch as "elke keer opnieuw" = each time again. :) I also noticed now they say "du bist", like German (while dutch has "jij bent") and their version of "that" is "dost". :o
that = dat
(you) do = (du) dost
Автор sknente
 - ноября 27, 2007, 19:11
Цитата: sknente от августа 26, 2007, 00:54
http://youtube.com/watch?v=KaTanewWj4Y Sweet. :> Doesn't seem as hard to pronounce as English... the ending sounds kinda like... элшьигиропнай. : p
That "элшьигиропнай" is translated to Dutch as "elke keer opnieuw" = each time again. :) I also noticed now they say "du bist", like German (while dutch has "jij bent") and their version of "that" is "dost". :o

I wonder what do people who speak Nedersachsen say... jij or du? I've seen some N-sachsen pages on Wikipedia and it looks a loooot like Dutch. Basically, badly spelled Dutch. :D (just kidding)
Автор Jumis
 - ноября 27, 2007, 18:21
Цитата: "sknente" от
Some black artist-singer man pronounced it with an awesome accent, but I forgot his name. Hearing him pronounce it was like eating greasy pasta with wine and thick mushroom sauce
:E:   :UU:  :eat:

Цитата: "sknente" от

in a slightly palatalized way, ya betcha
Автор sknente
 - ноября 24, 2007, 22:05
lurrrve ~

Some black artist-singer man pronounced it with an awesome accent, but I forgot his name. Hearing him pronounce it was like eating greasy pasta with wine and thick mushroom sauce. :)

any milder
Автор Драгана
 - ноября 24, 2007, 22:00
Sometimes I say h like..like a little г фрик.,but not im english but other languages.
Автор Драгана
 - ноября 24, 2007, 21:55
I don't say "h" if it's not needed in the word.But sometomes I speak t like  r or ch- for example better "bere" or meet you "mi:chu".And sometimes I say love like "luv " or "lov"(l is any milder).
Автор regn
 - августа 26, 2007, 11:56
It is notable, I think, that certain differencies are based on the pitch quality of this or that diphthong. I mean, rising and falling diphthongs are differentiated. Thus, it is very easy to number even greater quantites of vowels :P
Автор sknente
 - августа 26, 2007, 00:54
http://youtube.com/watch?v=KaTanewWj4Y Sweet. :> Doesn't seem as hard to pronounce as English... the ending sounds kinda like... элшьигиропнай. : p
Автор sknente
 - августа 26, 2007, 00:20
It's kinda hard to believe though, that they would keep such fine distinctions while being surrounded and dominated by a much sloppier language... :D Or maybe it isn't... since if the Frisian phonetics are so rich, maybe the entire phonetic set of Dutch can be contained within it, and perhaps the Frisians feel the Dutch sounds as a subset of their own, so Dutch phonetics don't muddle their language. :what: