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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор Bespalov Roman
 - ноября 30, 2014, 10:32
Спасибо! :)
Автор amamatini
 - ноября 30, 2014, 00:34
ЦитироватьDocuments about relations between the Crimean Khanate and Moscow over Odoyev's tribute.
The article examines the documents of the late 15th – the first third of the 16th centuries about relations between the Crimean khans and the Grand Dukes of Moscow about paying tribute from "Odoyev's cities". Those payments were a relic of independent relations of the princes of the Novosil House with the Crimean Khanate, which existed until the end of the 15th century. Later on, when the Novosil-Odoyev principality became a part of the Russian state, the Grand Dukes of Moscow were forced to pay Odoyev's tribute to the Crimean khans for some time.
Автор Bespalov Roman
 - ноября 26, 2014, 23:49
Прошу помочь еще вот с такой аннотацией:

ЦитироватьДокументы о сношениях Крыма с Москвой по поводу одоевского ясака.
В статье исследуются документы конца XV – первой трети XVI вв. о сношении крымских ханов с великими московскими князьями по поводу выплаты дани с «одоевских городов». Эти выплаты являлась пережитком самостоятельных отношений князей новосильского дома с Крымским ханством, которые существовали до конца XV в. Затем, после вхождения Новосильско-Одоевского княжества в состав Русского государства, великие московские князья еще некоторое время были вынуждены выплачивать одоевский ясак крымским ханам.

ЦитироватьDocuments about Crimea Relations with Moscow over Odoyev's tribute.
The article examines the documents late 15th – the first third of the 16th centuries about Crimean khans Relations with the Grand Dukes of Moscow about paying tribute with "odoyevs cities". These payments is a relic of independent relations princes of the Novosil House with the Crimean Khanate, which existed until the end the 15th century. Then, after Novosil-Odoyev principality became part of the Russian state, Grand Dukes of Moscow for some time were forced to pay odoyev's tribute Crimean khans.
Автор Bespalov Roman
 - ноября 10, 2014, 01:01
Большое спасибо!
Автор Wezel
 - ноября 10, 2014, 00:26
ЦитироватьThe Novosil-Odoyev principality split off from the Chernigov land and stood apart in the era of the Tartar domination. At first a vassal of the Golden Horde before its collapse, the principality then became a vassal of the Crimean Khanate. Independent relations with the Horde led to the fact that the senior princes of the Novosil House had to collect tribute from the cities of the Odoyev land and pay it to the ruling khans. However, donation yarliqs of the khans gave the Novosil-Odoyev principality legal immunity from claims on its territory by the neighbours. Princes of the Novosil House could on contractual terms enter the service of the Grand Duke of Moscow or of the Grand Duke of Lithuania. However/Nevertheless(чтобы избежать повтора), the Novosil-Odoyev land was not incorporated into other states. The Grand Duke of Moscow and the Grand Duke of Lithuania were repeatedly trying to encroach on the territorial sovereignty of the princes of the Novosil House with by obtaining the donation yarliq on Odoyev from the ruling khans. In the 15th century those attempts were not successful. Only at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries Ivan III was able to acquire the donation yarliq on Odoyev from the Crimean Khan Mengli Giray. So That is how the Grand Duke of Moscow finally annexed Odoyev to the Moscow State, but henceforth he had to pay tribute from Odoyev to the Crimean Khanate. Later on peaceful relations between Moscow and the Crimean Khanate were being repeatedly violated by war. Initially it became the cause to suspend payments of tribute from Odoyev, and later led to its abolition.
Насчёт подчёркнутого — не уверен, что repeatedly можно употребить со временами группы Continuous.
Автор amamatini
 - ноября 9, 2014, 23:39
ЦитироватьThe Novosil-Odoyev principality split off from the Chernigov land and stood apart in the era of the Tartar domination. At first a vassal of the Golden Horde before its collapse, the principality then became a vassal of the Crimean Khanate. Independent relations with the Horde led to the fact that the senior princes of the Novosil House had to collect tribute from the cities of the Odoyev land and pay it to the ruling khans. However donation yarliqs of the khans gave the Novosil-Odoyev principality legal immunity from claims on its territory by the neighbours. Princes of the Novosil House could on contractual terms enter the service of the Grand Duke of Moscow or of the Grand Duke of Lithuania. However the Novosil-Odoyev land was not incorporated into other states. The Grand Duke of Moscow and the Grand Duke of Lithuania were repeatedly trying to encroach on the territorial sovereignty of the princes of the Novosil House with obtaining the donation yarliq on Odoyev from the ruling khans. In the 15th century those attempts were not successful. Only at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries Ivan III was able to acquire the donation yarliq on Odoyev from the Crimean Khan Mengli Giray. So the Grand Duke of Moscow finally annexed Odoyev to the Moscow State but henceforth had to pay tribute from Odoyev to the Crimean Khanate. Later on peaceful relations between Moscow and the Crimean Khanate were being repeatedly violated by war. Initially it became the cause to suspend payments of tribute from Odoyev, and later led to its abolition.
Автор Bespalov Roman
 - ноября 5, 2014, 19:59
Прошу помочь в переводе аннотации к статье на английский язык. Перевел с помощью транслятора, немного подредактировал, но мне сложно понять насколько корректно, поскольку сам английским не владею, к сожалению.

ЦитироватьНовосильско-Одоевское княжество выделилось из состава Черниговской земли и обособилось в эпоху ордынского господства. Сначала оно являлось вассалом Золотой Орды, а после ее распада стало вассалом Крымского ханства. Самостоятельные отношения с Ордой приводили к тому, что старшие князья новосильского дома должны были собирать дань с одоевских городов и выплачивать ее правящим ханам. Однако ярлыки-пожалования ордынских ханов давали Новосильско-Одоевскому княжеству правовой иммунитет от покушения на его территорию соседей. Князья новосильского дома на договорных условиях могли поступить на службу к великим московским или великим литовским князьям. При этом Новосильско-Одоевская земля не включалась в состав иных государственных образований. Великие литовские и великие московские князья не раз пытались посягать на территориальный суверенитет князей новосильского дома путем получения ярлыка-пожалования на Одоев у правящих ханов. В XV в. эти попытки не имели успеха. Лишь на рубеже XV – XVI вв. Иван III смог приобрести ярлык-пожалование на Одоев у крымского хана Менгли-Гирея. Так московский государь окончательно закрепил Одоев за Москвой, но впредь должен был выплачивать одоевскую дань в Крым. В дальнейшем мирные отношения Москвы с Крымом не раз нарушались войной. Сначала это становилось причиной приостановки выплат одоевской дани, а затем привело к их отмене.

ЦитироватьNovosil-Odoyev principality detached from the Chernigov land and stood apart in the era of the Tartar domination. At first it was a vassal of the Golden Horde, and after its collapse became a vassal of the Crimean Khanate. Independent relations with the Horde led to the fact that senior princes of the Novosil House had to collect tribute from Odoev cities and pay its ruling khans. However donation yarliqs khans gave Novosil-Odoyev principality legal immunity from the attempt on his territory neighbors. Princes of the Novosil House on contractual terms could enter the service to the Grand Duke of Moscow or to the Grand Duke of Lithuania. However Novosil-Odoyev land not included in the other state. The Grand Duke of Moscow and the Grand Duke of Lithuania repeatedly tried to encroach on the territorial sovereignty of the princes of the Novosil House by obtaining donation yarliq on Odoyev at ruling khans. In the XV century these attempts were not successful. Only at the turn of XV – XVI centuries Ivan III was able to acquire donation yarliq on Odoyev from the Crimean Khan Mengli Giray. So Grand Duke of Moscow finally annexed Odoyev to Moscow State but henceforth had to pay tribute of Odoyev in the Crimea. In the future peaceful relations between Moscow and Crimea repeatedly violated by war. Initially it becomes the cause of the suspension of payments tribute of Odoyev, and later led to their abolition.