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Самовар Росси

Автор Yougi, ноября 27, 2019, 08:19

0 Пользователи и 1 гость просматривают эту тему.


Кто за темой следит?
Что за бурление говн опять?
Цитата: РоссиDear Readers of the JoNP:
We did it.
Obtained permanent self sustaining mode with production of strong excess of electricity, generating more excess of electricity than of heat.
It is a revolution.
We did not violate unity, we just discovered an energy that had not been exploited before.
I am very tired.
Independent parties tests will follow, eventually we will make a presentation.
I think we made something that will make a revolution.
My team colleagues are saying to me " Andrea, stay calm, be humble". They are right. Now I am tired, must reorganize the ideas. The work in these last 2 weeks has been very hard, but we did it. This morning, late, we got more electric energy that the electric energy necessary to make the Cat work. The increase is strong.
Too big to be true, but it is true.
If you are reading this message, means I am not dreaming: our Readers are independent parties that can convince me I am not sleeping and I am really writing this.
The merit is of my fantastic Team, without them this could not have been done.
Warm Regards,

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