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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор Elischua
 - июля 9, 2015, 18:26
... Continuing on still reduced vowels deletion...

There are certain reservations as to the above elision or deletion of the still reduced vowels and to the choice of other vowel letters in other phonemic cases.

If a word, borrowed or own, sounds resembling any of these patterns: C[ɛr]C or C[ow]C or C[or]C, then it isn't to be treated as *C[or]RdcdVwlC or *C[ow]RdcdVwlC, but as though it's modelled upon the *CyrC (in Cyrillics *CьрC), *CulC (in Cyrillics *CълC) and *CurC (in Cyrillics *CърC) of Early Old Rousse, consequently. For example, currently spelled */чердак/ is to be written as though it was *чьрдакъ, so cyrdac,

more examples:

*/черга/ as *чьрга, so cyrga;
*/торбан/ as *търбанъ, so turban (a musical instrument, not to be mixed up with tourban~teurban),
*/терлик/ as *тьрликъ, so tyrlik;
*/сертук/ or */сертут/ as *сьртѹкъ or *сьртѹтъ, hence syrtouc ~ syrtout;
*/серпанок/ as *сьрпанъкъ, hence syrpanuc;
*/пергамен/ as *пьргамєн, hence pyrgamen;
*/пастернак/ as *пастьрнак, hence pastyrnac;
*/морда/ as *мърда, so murda;
*/ковмір/ as *кълмѣръ (or *кълмерь, cf. -rz in resp. Polish word), thus culmér or culmeryu;
*/жовнір/ as *жьлдьнѣръ (or *жьлдьнерь, cf. -rz and ř in resp. Polish and Czech words), thus gyldynér or gyldyneryu;
*/тортура/ as *търтѹра, thus turtoura
an so on.
Автор Elischua
 - июля 9, 2015, 07:07
Elision of still reduced vowels

It refers to words like:
cwmynata (= кѡмьната), maiydanu (= маıьданъ), yaruluicu (= ıарълъıкъ), xéxumatu (= шахъматъ), xérulatu (= шарълатъ), xérufaruc (= шаръварък), cinugalu (= чинъгалъ) etc.

Some time before, I wrote here of my decision to elide the ultimate *-u from the words (ultimate -ъ in Cyrillics, like городъ → город). And ever since I've been writing gorod (= город), stwl (= стѡл) etc. To mention, the goads to it were several factors at the same time
- its oddity, for its (masculine) gender determining role could be easily inferred from the ultimate consonant 
- the existance of originally -u (= ъ) (*pwdu/пѡдъ, *nadu/надъ) ending prepositions along with those originally without -u (= ъ) (*iz~ис/из~ис, bez~bes/бєз~бєс) - and even *ot/от, which got -u/-ъ ulteriorly, due to which fact the Roussish phonemic form wtu/ѡтъ with w/ѡ emerged - which pointed at the oddity of ultimate -u/-ъ, too.
- and lastly, my esthetical feeling, which craves after word final diversification.
Remarkably, the elision of a still reduced vowel -u/-ъ (the still reduced vowel -y/-ь remained due to its avail as a consonant softener), in the history of Cyrillics orthography in the transition to later times, involved the reduced vowel -u/-ъ within a word primarily, keeping the ultimate -u/-ъ for much longer time, and on the contrary, the history of my orthography testifies the elision of the ultimate -u/-ъ first, and just lately I've come across an idea or even a need to do so with the -u/-ъ within a word.

The consecution

1. Since the elision of the ultimate -u/-ъ, an Old Rousse overwhelming and mandatory open-syllable perspective (see go|ro|du/го|ро|дъ) becomes beside the point, and the word in the example is now naturally syllabled as go|rod/го|род.

2. The elision of ultimate -u/-ъ in prepositions as well, often act as prefixes, led to the elided ultimate -u/-ъ within a word, cf. pwd|ma|ni|ti (= пѡд|ма|ни|ти), nad|mér (= над|мѣр), wt|caz (= ѡт|каз) etc.

3. I wasn't willing to abandon the within-word open-syllable format, frankly saying, but I figured out that the words mentioned at the beginning of this item can be formally divided into monosyllable words, as follows:

cwm|y+nat|- (= кѡмь+нат-): cwm|+nat|- (= кѡм|+нат|-);
mai|y+dan|u (= маıь+данъ
): mai|+dan| (= маи|+дан|);
yar|u+luic|u (= ıар|ъ+лык|ъ): yar|+luic| (= ıар|+лык|);
xéx|u+mat|u (= шахъ+мат|ъ): xéx|+mat|;
xér|u+lat|u (= шар|ъ+лат|ъ): xér|+lat| (= шар|+лат|);
xér|u+faruc|u (= шар|ъ+варък|ъ): xér|+faruc|;
cin|u+gal|u (= чин|ъ+гал|ъ): cin|+gal| (чин|+гал|);
thus resulting to these words spelled respectively as follows: cwmnat-, maidan (now also possible as maydan), yarluic, xéxmat, xérlat, xérfaruc, cingal.

4. A plausible notion that the words above didn't contain any u/ъ as far as by the moment of their borrowing the reduced vowels had already grown stale would be irrelevant here, for my orthography rests primarily on the principles of Old Rousse orthography conception despite the actual time given word entered the language at the given time lapse. Thus, even recorded lacking any graphic reduced vowel in an older text, it was routinely inserted in a given word where necessary according to the Old Rousse phonology conception, in my rendition. The reason, among others, was to provide an external domestication of borrowed words.

5. Notwithstanding the said under point 4., the deletion of the still reduced vowels was (in history of the evolution of my orthography) also conditioned by the phenomenon of infixal consonants (arguably, of an affective origin foremost) in original Slawonic words, cf. xycanduibati (= шькандыбати), which etymologically can be segmented as *xy-ca>n<+duib-a-ti. And unlike borrowed lexemes which had to conform the graphico-phonemical principles of the original words, here it was the case with original words and they themselves dictated new point of orthography order. So, this one was another stimulus (for me).

6. Though not so decisive, yet one of the following reason for the within-word still reduced vowel deletion was that it's in most cases almost impossible to conclude which one - u/ъ or y/ь - should be. This especially refers to labials, to r and often to other consonants as well.
Here are some other words randomely chosen to demonstrate the effect of the newest amendments:

yarmaruc, xuartouc, xourtuina, xwrnaly, xourman, puntxeux (or puntxyx or pantxyx or pantxeux), xéndal, scandal, houxnaly etc.
Автор Elischua
 - июля 9, 2015, 03:14
The preposition rendered in Old Rousse Cyrillics as въ

I'd used to render it as õ some time before.

Just to note, whatever I wrote it or whatever it's been ever written in Cyrillics or any other possible script or whatever I'm going to show I write it now, it has two and has ever had variants of oral rendition - as [w] and , within its single i.e. common written form, in Roussish. The reason why it's often found rendered variously въ or (в)ѹ~(в)у in Late Old Rousse and especially in Middle Rousse and Late Middle Rousse is to a great extent due to phonetic spelling of the time (not but the same isn't about the current official spelling). But, since my spelling bases itself on a morphophonemical principle, the two ways of pronunciation are considered to be matter of oral interpretation, while pertaining to a common written form.

So, now I settled it better to be written as u (with the same two main oral renditions).
Why so?
First to say, the reason I'd been written it õ, was the reminiscence of its IE reconstruction with a nasal element in it.
Yet it started to view it bulky over time.
Need to mention, I've put it long before, for the sake of space saving and thanks to their interpretation unambiguity, that the words starting PSl *u, *ū (my latinised spelling u, ui, Cyrillics ъ, ъı) aren't to be preceded by f letter (which normally stands for [w] phoneme) in my orthography. So, въıдра is rendered uidra, not fuidra etc.
Another aspect to mention is the rule I had set that no word can consist of a single consonant letter, which means that the idea to render въ as f (cf. current official в in Oucraine-Roussish) is incompatible here.
And I wasn't quite satisfied with spelling it fu (a letter by letter latinized rendition of въ, in fact), though I did it for some time, too.
Finally, I grasped I can avail of the prothetic status of *в-, taking *-ъ as its "root", and in the framework of the rule not to reflect prothetic [w] in written, I can actually write this preposition as u, rather simply.
Thus, въ = u, pronounced [w] or .