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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор ekaterinact
 - августа 1, 2013, 15:40
Please, help me find the stylistic devices in the following sentences:

1) It was a brooding self-absorbed sort of house, fronted by a small ragged garden and a wall shoulder high.
2) An oppressive silence surged out of the place like a cloud.
3) I looked at her, and amid the enchanting chaos of silks and animals and improbable objects that seemed to rise almost to her waist she looked like a very wise mermaid rising out of a motley coloured sea.
4) The silence was over me like a bell.
5) I remember his holding forth to me once about what an honest thing a firework was. It was so patently just an ephemeral spurt of beauty of which in a moment nothing more was left. "That's what all art is really?" said Hugo, "only we don't like to admit it. Leonardo understood this. He deliberately made the Last Supper perishable."
6) It seemed to me, even from the way he spoke, that he was not only not mentally deficient, but was highly intelligent.

:-\ :??? :fp: :wall: