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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор _Swetlana
 - декабря 22, 2018, 17:30
И себе, и людям. Разумеется, чисто для ознакомления  :)

Автор zwh
 - декабря 14, 2018, 23:14
Цитата: Awwal12 от декабря 14, 2018, 22:14
Цитата: zwh от декабря 14, 2018, 21:15

The key is to understand that not everybody wants to buy from a web site and for us a lot of our customers will research products online and then go to the store to pick that product up. And so it's about understanding that customers online behave very similarily to the customers on the high street: they come and browse and then they think about it and then they come back and buy. And again it's going back to understanding that customers are people, they are not online customers or store customers, they're just customers, and that they will want to do different things at different times. So the key is making a site that is easy to navigate, easy to find and easy to transact with. And if you get these key things right, then customers will keep coming back to you.
Right. (Поправка не влияет на смысл.)
Видимо, "to" я уже чисто ориентируясь на смысл добавил. Так-то, честно гря, мне показалось, что "similarily" она произнесла как /симилалили/, но я уже исходя из здравого смысла мысленно поправил.
Автор Awwal12
 - декабря 14, 2018, 22:14
Цитата: zwh от декабря 14, 2018, 21:15

The key is to understand that not everybody wants to buy from a web site and for us a lot of our customers will research products online and then go to the store to pick that product up. And so it's about understanding that customers online behave very similarily to the customers on the high street: they come and browse and then they think about it and then they come back and buy. And again it's going back to understanding that customers are people, they are not online customers or store customers, they're just customers, and that they will want to do different things at different times. So the key is making a site that is easy to navigate, easy to find and easy to transact with. And if you get these key things right, then customers will keep coming back to you.
Right. (Поправка не влияет на смысл.)
Автор _Swetlana
 - декабря 14, 2018, 21:24
Спасибо  :yes:
Щас попытаюсь сначала сам послушать, потом сравню с вашим текстом.
Автор zwh
 - декабря 14, 2018, 21:15

The key is to understand that not everybody wants to buy from a web site and for us a lot of our customers will research products online and then go to the store to pick that product up. And so it's about understanding that customers online behave very similarily to the customers on the high street: they come and browse and then they think about it and then they come back and buy. And again it's going back to understanding that customers are people, they are not online customers or store customers, they're just customers, and that they will want to do different things at different times. So the key is to make a site that is easy to navigate, easy to find and easy to transact with. And if you get these key things right, then customers will keep coming back to you.
Автор _Swetlana
 - декабря 14, 2018, 20:35
Вот что на самом деле (на случай, если кто-нибудь тоже тренируется на этих аудио).
Автор _Swetlana
 - декабря 14, 2018, 20:30
Честно послушала 2-ю часть.
В последнем абзаце перестала понимать о чём речь. "at any promotions that are running along side those products" - это о чём?

– What do you think the keys of success in online selling?

– I think the most important thing is to understand that the customers use website for lots of different reasons. Some people or coming to website to actually buy something on date day, other people and a lot of people  coming to website to ??? (я бы сказала get more, но слышу эко) information  either about the product or about the retailer and the key of selling online is to understand or recognize what the customer wants when there're on your website and ??? provide information.

So the keys for us are providing good images and good information technical information on all the ??? sell, being very clear about the price of the product at any promotions that are running along side those products, being very clear to the customer about  what the delivery options are for each individual products, and then, a loving  them to find all of date information  and then buy ??? ready.
Автор _Swetlana
 - декабря 14, 2018, 19:00
Нашла первую часть интервью. Что мне слышалось "коко" оказалось аргосом.
Автор _Swetlana
 - декабря 14, 2018, 18:41
Дальше так по тексту, с небольшими изменениями.

The key to our success is that we treat customer as a single individual and we don't treat customer as online customers or store customers. Our experience shows that customers will sometimes buy online, sometimes order on the telephone and sometimes going to the store to pick up goods. So we need to understand what our customers want at any one time  or what our customers want depending on the product they're buying and to serve our customers in the most appropriate way.
Автор _Swetlana
 - декабря 14, 2018, 18:32
Цитата: Lodur от декабря 14, 2018, 18:07
Цитата: _Swetlana от декабря 14, 2018, 17:40Что такое e-toys? Среда программирования?
Не встечал. Гугл выдал вот такое (и как раз на Амазоне, как у вас в тексте):
Интервью в аудиофайлах как-то не соответствует информации на странице с упражнениями. Там обещают интервью некоего Simon Murdoch с //amazon.co.uk; судя по картинке (да и имени тоже), он мужчина. А в аудио интервью с женщиной.
Да, аудиотексты совсем другие. Более того, нашла в конце учебника ответы - английские тексты - там действительно интервью с этим Саймоном Мэрдоком.
Сжульничать не удалось - придётся слушать аудио.

1  аудио, 1 предложение (к-е говорит мущщина)
Коко? продаёт товары в магазинах stores (слышу туз) на главных улицах и онлайн. Удачно ли вы проводили эти операции одновременно?