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Прорыв дна или нгатизм-трэсизм на западе

Автор smith371, ноября 6, 2017, 13:01

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ЦитироватьOverview: Hamito-Semitic and Austronesian language families have in common many indispensible grammatical forms; both derivational and inflectional, which compel us to make the inevitable conclusion that they must have come from a common source. The same assertion can be made as to certain basic vocabulary found in both families, especially those denoting parts of the body, things in the physical world, family relation, pronouns, some numerals, many essential verbs, nouns, and adjectives. The common existence of such grammatical, phonological and vocabulary forms in language families whose members are far apart in space and time makes it evident that they must have belonged to a common Hamito-Semitic-Austronesian speech before its split into two separate Hamito-Semitic and Austronesian languages. Another amazing fact is that both families also share some common tendencies in their evolution. The present work aims to elucidate the similarities noted between the two language families on all levels of structure, explain the dissimilarities whenever found in strictly scientific terms, and account for all linguistic phenomena encountered in the study.
Alii! Ke ua ngerang? Ak outkeu er kau el me er a bliongel el kirel a tekoi er a Belau! Sulang.

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Настораживает вот это:
ЦитироватьAnother related linguistic phenomenon concerned with traditional roots and involving ,,shift‟ is that the root radicals, and consequently the whole word, can be put in any order without any change of the basic meaning, thus C¹C²C³, C¹C³C², C²C³C¹, C²C¹C³, C³C¹C², and C³C²C¹. All express shades of one basic meaning. The reason is that C¹C²C³ is originally a complex word consisting of at least three free morphemes agglutinated together.

В другой работе того же автора "Decomposition of Hamito-Semitic roots into their ultimate primeval components" утверждается, что, мол
ЦитироватьIt demonstrates clearly that Hamito-Semitic root is a complex word consisting of a number of elements agglutinated together and expressing a concrete or special meaning.
Как-то всё это знакомо...

И да,
Цитироватьthe research compares Hamito-Semitic and Indo-European language families. The study demonstrates incredible similarities in sound correspondences, in proots, in traditional roots and their derivatives, and in their grammatical systems. Concrete evidence covers nearly all Hamito-Semitic & Indo-European etymological dictionaries & morphological systems.

Так и кто же кому родня? Или это некая австронезоиндоевроафразийская гиперсемья наподобие копетановой айнохаттофестокабардинской?
Zikiro beltza ona dut bañan obea buztan zuria


Цитата: Tibaren от ноября  6, 2017, 23:30
Настораживает вот это:

да-да, язык верхнепалеолитического Дзёмона с храмом Яра мимо Мары
Alii! Ke ua ngerang? Ak outkeu er kau el me er a bliongel el kirel a tekoi er a Belau! Sulang.

Подвергал, подвергаю и буду подвергать сомнению классификацию любых языков, описания которых нет в свободном доступе!

Злостный оверквотер, оверкиллер и... просто злостный.

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