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Татарский язык

Автор Meisje, сентября 18, 2005, 19:09

0 Пользователи и 4 гостей просматривают эту тему.


Цитата: Антиромантик от октября 14, 2011, 18:56
Yes, you are right.
Артикуляция татарского звука, по-моему, часто близка к апикальной, особенно у старшего поколения.
Otız içip kıkralım,
Yokar kopıp sekrelim,
Arslan kebi kökrelim:
"Kaçtı sakınç!", sebnelim.
Вольный чуваш по воле Божьей.
Ездию в метре на кенгуре в пальте, совсем как в кине


Цитата: Darkstar от октября  6, 2011, 18:31
И слишком хороший английский для китайца. Больше похоже на американского еврея.
Даркстар, вы ещё не заметили, что вы не телепат и не ясновидец?
Когда я сажала, ливала смородину,
Она превращала мой сад в огородину.
Она превращала, рубила дрова,
На них высекая попутно слова.


I found two intersnye glagoly, u kotoryx interesnyx sprjazhenija:


төяргә - төя (stem) - төяү - төйи (present) -- to load

төяргә- төй (stem) - төю - төя (present) -- to crash, to grind, to beat

[to'ja - to'jau' - to'ji - to'jar - грузiть - to load, to fill - 装载, 填充]

[to'j - to'ju - to'ja - to'jar - толoчь, бить - to grind, to beat]

Could anybody provide some example sentences o "төяү" i "төю" ?


Sorry, I forgot an important one:

Could you help me to conjugate this verb:

каю: гл 1. строчить, прострочить 2. окаймлять, окаймить; вышивать, вышить (по краям)

Мне кажется:

imperatives: кайыйм кае каесын кайыйк каегыз каесыннар

каю (-u / -u' type processive verbal noun)

кайый (present tense stem / I-type present participle)

каема (negative stem)

каеды (definite past tense stem)

каеган (indefinite past tense stem / past participle)

каеса (conditional stem)

кайыйсы (III-type future participle / necessity participle)

i chto its infinitive form (-arga / -erga form) ?


Мне вообще-то все равно, кто там прикалывается, если прикалывается.
(1) С людями надо помягше, а на вопросы смотреть поширше (с) (2) Проекция (в психологии) - неосознанное приписывание собеседнику собственных мыслей и действий (3) Учебник логики еще никто не отменял (4) Какой был тезис?


Kak skazat' "орaнжевый" (tsvet) po-tatarski ?

What I know o to'sla'r in Tatar:

kyzyl - red; al - scarlet; alsu - rose, pink; jashel - green; za'n'ga'r - blue; ku'k - skyblue;

kara - black; kon'gyrt - brown; ak - white; sary - yellow; sha'ma'xa' - purple, violet

Ja ne cmogu find orange (((



Всякому остановленному фашисту для захвата его в плен можешь еще крикнуть:
«Хэндэ хох!» (Руки вверх!)
«Вафи хинлеги!» (Бросай оружие!)
«Абгезэсен!» (Слезай! — С машины, с лошади, с повозки.)
Если фашист не сразу исполняет твое приказание, крикни грознее и добавь:
«Бай флухтфэрзух вирт гэшози!» (Побежишь — буду стрелять!)
А. Афанасьев. В помощь партизану. Москва, 1942 г.


Үзем сөям, үзем сөеләм

I love myself, and XXXX myself ? I don't quite understand "сөеләм" what's its grammatical form ?


Цитата: hotforhammon от октября 19, 2011, 12:20
Үзем сөям, үзем сөеләм

I love myself, and XXXX myself ? I don't quite understand "сөеләм" what's its grammatical form ?
I love and (at the same time) I'm loved.

сөеләм is passive


Всякому остановленному фашисту для захвата его в плен можешь еще крикнуть:
«Хэндэ хох!» (Руки вверх!)
«Вафи хинлеги!» (Бросай оружие!)
«Абгезэсен!» (Слезай! — С машины, с лошади, с повозки.)
Если фашист не сразу исполняет твое приказание, крикни грознее и добавь:
«Бай флухтфэрзух вирт гэшози!» (Побежишь — буду стрелять!)
А. Афанасьев. В помощь партизану. Москва, 1942 г.


Ra'xma't Borovik & Rachtyrgin )))

Esli ocnova glagoly already okanchivaetsja na [-l] ili na [-la], a [-n] ili [-yn] or [-en] suffix budet be added upon it ?

I mean, naprimer,

kal (to remain) -> kalyna,

bashla (to begin) -> bashlana ?


башлан- is correct, however is has an active meaning ("to begin" intransitive).
калын- does not exist

As you may know, passive can only be formed from transitive verbs (белен- "to be known/felt")
Intransitive verbs in -л- do not form passive (кил-, көл-) or must be aided by additional suffixes to do so:
калдырыла "is left"

Generally, the use of passive in Turkic languages is rarer and more limited, as compared to European langauges


As for the use of passive voice, I disagree that it is used rarely, as compared to European language. Bearing in mind how much we've got to use these forms im my mothertongue I would even say that we face them too often. It is impossible to get along without passive voice.
I wonder if we are exceptions in this case.


Цитата: LOSTaz от октября 19, 2011, 17:17
As for the use of passive voice, I disagree that it is used rarely, as compared to European language. Bearing in mind how much we've got to use these forms im my mothertongue I would even say that we face them too often. It is impossible to get along without passive voice.
I wonder if we are exceptions in this case.
Would you use passive for the following in your native language without stretching it too much?
My wallet was stolen last night
I was born in 1990
The music was being played too loud by the students, who were finally asked to turn it down.
Something needs to be done to improve the traffic in the city


i .... after experincing the passive voice "-l" change, its indefinite future tense always be spelt as "-ler(ga')" ili "-lyr(ga)" ?

I haven't see a passive voiced glagol with "-lar(ga), -la'r(ga')" in its ending


Цитата: Borovik от октября 19, 2011, 17:31
Цитата: LOSTaz от октября 19, 2011, 17:17
As for the use of passive voice, I disagree that it is used rarely, as compared to European language. Bearing in mind how much we've got to use these forms im my mothertongue I would even say that we face them too often. It is impossible to get along without passive voice.
I wonder if we are exceptions in this case.
Would you use passive for the following in your native language without stretching it too much?
My wallet was stolen last night
I was born in 1990
The music was being played too loud by the students, who were finally asked to turn it down.
Something needs to be done to improve the traffic in the city
1) Dünən pulqabımı (portmonemi) oǧrayıblar. In fact, one would say rather "someone stole my wallet yesterday" than what you have written, I guess.
2) 1990cı ildə doǧulmuşam (anadan olmuşam).
3) literary:
Tələbələr musiqinin səsini çox vermişdilər, onlardan, axır ki, xahiş etməyənədək ki, səsini alsınlar.
Xahiş etməyincə ki, səsini alsınlar, tələbələr musiqini ucadan dinləyirdilər.
4) Yol hərəkətini qaydaya salmaq üçün nəsə etməliyik (nəsə edilməlidir, gərək nəsə eləyək).
I think the examples are not good and if no passive voice is used in them in the everyday conversations. Meanwhile I translated these sentences in the real Azerbaijani, trying to avoid too formal style, and though I didn't manage to prove my assumptions, I still believe these forms are often used, unfortunately it's a bit difficult to recall them so as to put down here.



Pochemu oni spell it as "Болар нәрсәләр" not "Булар нәрсәләр" ?

тугел -> түгел ?

мәскәу -> мәскәү --- Moskva ?



Ә укытучы утырамы? Юк, укытучы басып тора

I understand it as [And, is the teacher sitting ? No, the teacher is standing up there.]

What I feel confused about:

утырамы --- what does the suffix "-my, -me" function here ?

басып тора --- basically I understand its meaning, "basyp" is a participle, "tora" is the real predicate for present tense.  How to translate their combination litterally ?


Цитата: hotforhammon от октября 22, 2011, 12:27
утырамы --- what does the suffix "-my, -me" function here ?

басып тора --- basically I understand its meaning, "basyp" is a participle, "tora" is the real predicate for present tense.  How to translate their combination litterally ?
-мы/-ме is the interrogative particle. Check your grammar book
басып тора is progressive. Do not try to translate the two verb forms separately - consider this an analytical form. Again, check your grammar about progressive verb forms.


Цитата: Borovik от октября 22, 2011, 21:31
Цитата: hotforhammon от октября 22, 2011, 12:27
утырамы --- what does the suffix "-my, -me" function here ?

басып тора --- basically I understand its meaning, "basyp" is a participle, "tora" is the real predicate for present tense.  How to translate their combination litterally ?
-мы/-ме is the interrogative particle. Check your grammar book
басып тора is progressive. Do not try to translate the two verb forms separately - consider this an analytical form. Again, check your grammar about progressive verb forms.
Spasibo Borovik ) I didn't find [-my, -me] on my book, but I noticed that it was often used with interrogative sentences. "basyp tora" is listed as an antonym of "utyr" on my book )

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