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Stylistic Analysis

Автор soondary, декабря 20, 2007, 12:42

0 Пользователи и 1 гость просматривают эту тему.


1. _________ is a needless repetition of the meaning in other words.
2. In ___________ the intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used; usually taking the form os sarcasm or ridicule in which laudatory expressions are used to imply condemnation or contempt.
3. __________ is the correspondens of terminal sounds in two or more poetic lines. It may sometimes occur in the middle of the line or at the head of it.


1. tautology
2. irony
3. rhyme (The definition is rather strange: terminal sounds cannot cannot occur at the head of the line)

[Find the book Stylistics of the English Language by T. A. Znamenskaya. It is concise and quite informative.]
Veni, legi, exii.



4. ____________ is a kind of repetition in which the opening word is repeated at the end of a sense-group or a sentence ( in prose), or at the end of a line ( in verse).
5. ____________ is a metrical unit (foot) consisting of two stressed syllables.
6. ____________ is a sudden break in the narration.
7. ____________ is an over-fullness of words in speaking or writing; the use of more words than are necessary to express the bare idea, either as a fault of style or as a device purposely used for spetial force or clearness.


2. If it is a figure of speech it might be also an antiphrasis (for a single word).

4. epanalepsis
5. spondee (not pyrrhic / dibrach)
6. aposiopesis
7. pleonasm  (?)

Veni, legi, exii.


Soondary, it is written in English. Unfortunately, I can't speak to you any longer. You can also find answers to some of your questions here:
Veni, legi, exii.


8. __________ is separating a secondary part of a sentence with the aim of emphasizing it.
9. __________ is the displacement of members of the sentence and their shift into the front, opening position in the sentence.
10. _________ is the use of word in the same gramatical relation to two adjacent words in the context, one metaphorical and the other literal in sense.
11. __________ replace official terms of a particular profession.

They are the last:-)))


8. ???
9. hyperbaton (or anastrophe for a single word)
10. zeugma (?)
11. jargonisms (?)
Veni, legi, exii.


Thanks for help. I saw wikipedia site, its realy usefull when you know that you need to find


Цитата: soondary от декабря 20, 2007, 12:42
1. _________ is a needless repetition of the meaning in other words.
2. In ___________ the intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used; usually taking the form os sarcasm or ridicule in which laudatory expressions are used to imply condemnation or contempt.
3. __________ is the correspondens of terminal sounds in two or more poetic lines. It may sometimes occur in the middle of the line or at the head of it.

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