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History of English Lang

Автор soondary, ноября 23, 2007, 13:01

0 Пользователи и 1 гость просматривают эту тему.


1. Why was "y" in "my" affected by the Shist ( and we have Modern Engl /ai/), and why was "y" in a word "only" not affected ( and we have Modern Engl /i/)?
2. Give the corresponding Modern English forms - cest(lat. cista), sacc(lat.saccus)


     O.E. ænlic, anlic "only, unique, solitary," lit. "one-like," from an "one" (see one) + -lic "-ly." Distinction of only and alone (now usually in ref. to emotional
     states) is unusual; in many languages the same word serves for both. Ger. also has a distinction in allein/einzig. Phrase only-begotten (1450) is biblical,
     translating L. unigenitus, Gk. monogenes. The O.E. form was ancenned.

     developed c.1200 as mi, reduced form of mine used before words beginning in consonants except h- (my father, but mine enemy), and before all nouns
     beginning 14c. As interjection, 18c., probably a shortened form of my God!



Oh, thanks very-very much, Maby you know Modern Engl contraction for Middle Engl "nere"?


No, I don't think it's Latin. Look that writes there - "Some of contracted forms are common in Old Engl and Middle Engl but completele lacking in Modern Engl. They combine the negative "ne" with a following verb beginning with a vowel, h- or w-"


Look it:
ME - nere thou our brother, sholdestou nat thryve
Mod.E - if you were not our brother, you would not thrive

nere=not were

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